[WRP] - A view from Parliament - Issue 29

Day 2,183, 22:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Huey George

and introducing


In this article I have for my constituents updates on 6 law proposals. As Speaker of the House I am also attempting for the first time to include notes. After each law proposal I will attempt to summarize the Congressional discussion surrounding them. It has proven quite difficult as Congressional discussion is often varied and not confined to individual law proposal with lots of speculation which is all great in a functioning Congress however difficult to link to individual law proposals. Let's see how we go...

Law proposals

President Impeachment
Do you want the current president of United Kingdom to end this office?

I voted NO. I'd only vote to impeach our democratically elected country president on grounds of gross incompetence, corruption, inactivity or strong will of the people. Additionally I believe the proposal was in 'jest' coming in the hours after his election.

The vote ended;
5 YES votes to 30 NO votes

*Speaker's Notes - Very little congressional discussion regarding this proposal.

New Citizen Message

Two of these law proposals; The first, I voted NO. While I'm for the New Citizen Message being kept up to date as much as possible and relevant. I felt the message didn't contain enough links to 'in-game' support options such as government ministries' newspapers. However on the second, I voted YES. A much stronger message and more likely to help citizen retention.

The votes ended;
'First' 31 YES votes to 5 NO votes
'Second' 36 YES votes to 0 No votes

*Speaker's Notes - Regarding the 'First', a member of Congress pointed out some of info was wrong "where we'll send 500 health every day until you reach level 29" its 28..." while the CP indicated that he was for haste in having the message approved and updated so it was personally from him and would edit and propose a new one shortly. Regarding the 'Second', it caused limited discussion being well received.

Natural Enemy
Finland has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted YES. This was for two reasons, firstly to support a country the eUK has a friendly relationship with, Belarus, as they are a little out-matched by Finland while we are the Fins equal. Secondly I'm in favour that the eUK is in direct conflict most of the times due to the nature of the 'new world' and Finland seemed like a good challenge.

The vote ended;
37 YES votes to 0 NO votes

*Speaker's Notes - This proposal was received positive support from it's initial concept.

Completed MPP law proposal are;

As I outlined in my Congressional Approach I feel comfortable with the existing set our allies the UK holds so would be most likely to vote in favour of re-signing all MPPs however on each MPP I still ensured an informed decision by following the discussions of my fellow members of Congress(Parliament) and careful consideration myself

President of United Kingdom proposed a mutual protection pact with Lithuania

I voted YES. A very long standing ally and fellow TWO member. Our vCP's article provides a good summary of our friendship as countries.

The vote ended;
24 YES votes to 4 NO votes in the UK
33 YES vote to 0 NO votes in Lithuania

*Speaker's Notes - Raised however limited discussion in Congress regarding this proposal.

Country Donation
Do you agree to transfer 400000 GBP from the country accounts to Bank of England?

I voted YES. To support the work of the MoF.

The vote stands (as of Day 2,183 21:51 of the New World);
27 YES votes to 3 NO votes

*Speaker's Notes - Reason for this transfer have been presented to Congress and can be read in this MoF article.

Natural Enemy
Sweden has been proposed as Natural Enemy.

I voted YES. As this is a counter proposal to Sweden proposal of the United Kingdom as Natural Enemy, this proposal will help us better defend the UK.

The vote stands (as of Day 2,183 21:51 of the New World);
28 YES votes to 0 NO votes in the UK
0 YES votes to 0 No votes in Sweden

*Speaker's Notes - Discussion surrounding whether or not we should counter proposal "we might not be attacking them but we will certainly be defending so might as well have the 10% NE bonus for that" was the CP's view.

Other Votes

LV-LT-UK deal

1. Latvia gets Trondelag and the oil bonus and eUK will assist in the initial rw.
2. Lithuania gets Ostlandet, Vestlandet and Jamtland Harjedalen to use as they see fit for the period of 1 month from the date this deal is signed.
3. After this period expires Ostlandet, Vestlandet and Jamtland Harjedalen are transferred to eUK by resistance war which Lithuania and Latvia agree to not impede in any way possible.
4. eUK will hold these regions for a period of 1 month whereupon further discussions can take place as to the fate of these regions by the governments in power at the time.

I voted NO. I realistically didn't expect this agreement to work or be agree in Lithuania or Latvia

*Speaker's Notes - The resource bonus that the UK would get from Scandinavia, the resource bonuses Lithuania and Latvia get from Scandinavia. This has been the main focus of Congressional discussion recently, it has also been well covered in the media. This proposal was general received positively by members of Congress. I believe in the end Lithuania refused the deal. I won't go into too much detail as I don't feel I can add too much beyond what is already publicly known and debated.

Latvia gets Trondelag

The UK gives Latvia the oil region of Trondelag

I voted YES. This was because Latvia would benefit with a gained weapon resource bonus while we don't lose anything and as stronger allies we should look out for our weaker allies, as we've been supported by our stronger allies in the past.

12 YES votes to 3 NO votes with 3 members of Congress abstaining.

Speaker's Note - Lots of Congressional discussion with both message for and against the proposal. Summary of arguments for; Latvia remain an ally, we don't lose anything but a occupied region and we act in the best interest of our alliance. Summary of arguments against; We give away yet another hard won region with little resistance and the cost and effort of breaking the Norwegian wall and compensation we could receive which this deal doesn't represent.

Closing thoughts

We've seen the resignation of two members of Congress FragUK and Tialys Cypress. I'm not going to speculate of discuss the reasons behind their depatures however as a fellow Member of Congress and Speaker of the House I will say contributions from both will be missed during future discussions, both were active and engaged members of Congress getting involved in debates. I wish both well in the future.

Who are the Workers' Rights Party?

The Workers’ Rights Party is a political party which strives to see the eUK is full of dedicated, active and well-informed citizens supported by their government. We are dedicated to ensuring equality and enhancing society for all eUK citizens. We trust the people tempered by prudence, this separates us from a lot of the other parties of the eUK who dis-trust the people tempered by fear. At the heart of our party is fairness, free-thinking and creativity.

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Thanks for reading

Huey George
Owner, Press Director and Editor of The Daily eWorker
Vice Party President of The Workers' Rights Party
Owner of 462-477 Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing and Agricultural Concerns
Commander of the Free British Irregulars Military Unit
Member of Congress(Parliament)
Speaker of the House
Former Minister of Home Affairs (Minster of Education)
Former Minster of Foreign Affairs