政府一周工作报告(Weekly Work Report)

Day 876, 05:57 Published in China China by eChina
政府一周工作报告(Weekly Work Report)

中文版 | English Version


这里是政府从eRepublik时间Day 868至Day 875的一周工作回顾。



1. 成立财政部,取代原经济部,工作范围调整为主要负责预算,决算,政府拨款事务以及税制与经济建议。央行不再下属经济部,不再承担拨付款项事务,现在主要负责维持汇率稳定与国家黄金储备。链接:[财政] 2010年4月内阁预算时间表

2. e中国首次实施预算制度。链接:[财政] 2010年4月内阁预算时间表

3. 过去,央行组织号由行长和总统共享。经改革后,央行不再承担拨付款项事务,而转 从国库,经议会表决后拨付至财政部。但如遇紧急情况,该程序耗时较长,因此新设 一个由总统直接控制的紧急基金,即eChina military fund。链接:建立eChina military fund的解释

4. 组建中国移动部队(CMC),隶属中国国防军(CNDA),这是 一支精英化的移动部队。由前任总统The Samurai担任司令。链接:【移动部队征募令】

5. 信息部新开设【城市论坛】板块,旨在加强政府与民众之间的沟通。链接:[信息部]城市论坛之问题征集

6. 外交部长结束了对澳大利亚、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国和印度的友好访问。链接:本人结束为期4天的亚洲7国访问 / I finished the visit of 7 Asian countries in past 4 days


1. 总统

(1) 签订与马来西亚的共同防御协定,未来可能实现7X24的军演。同时签订与澳大利亚的共同防御协定。链接

(2) 总统提议修改新人信,但由于内容的格式出现问题,暂未通过。链接:官方新人信更新被拒的原因[囧统]新人信提交仍有问题

(3) eChina Military Fund发布Day873-874的操作记录。链接

2. 财政部

财政部公布了4月政府常规预算案草稿。链接:[财政] 2010年4月内阁常规预算案草稿

3. 央行及分行

(1) 央行完成组织号交接,公布了Day868-873的账目,并于D868发布了现行货币政策

(2) 分行完成组织号交接,并公布了Day867-874的账目

4. 国防部

(1) 中国国防军重新登记。

(2) 澳大利亚遭到印尼入侵后,我国对其提供了军事援助。链接:D873 【国防部】作战指令/ DoSD Order(更新空投内容)

(3) 中国移动部队公布成员名单。链接

5. 教育部

(1) 教育部按照医改后的新规则,修改了新人游戏攻略。链接:【教育部】从婴儿到成人:你的前38天——医改后攻略

(2) 教育部撰文介绍e中国政治制度和政府部门职能。链接:【教育部专刊】浅谈E世界总统和国会的关系EC政府部门及职能简介

6. 福利部

(1) 福利部公布了3月的资金流明细。链接:3月任期福利部资金流明细

(2) 为平抑市场上机票价格,福利部以8.5CNY的价格放出Q1机票100张,目前市场上Q1机票价格已经稍有回落。链接:福利企业出售商品声明

7. 外交部

(1) 波兰现实中的总统坠机身亡,外交部向波兰玩家致以沉痛哀悼。链接:Condolences from eChina

(2) 在澳大利亚遭到印尼入侵后,外交部向澳大利亚表示了声援。链接:A message from eChina to support you

8. 科技部


9. 信息部

(1) 公告了四月政府的组成。链接:[信息部通告]四月内阁组成

(2) 第一期【城市论坛】活动试行。链接:[信息部]城市论坛第一期

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English version:

Weekly Work Report of eChina Government

Hello, everyone!

Here is the weekly work report of eChina government from Day 868 to Day 875 (eRepublik time).

After the new government was formed, all the work in each department has been handed over and gone to routine.

First of all, let me introduce you things in this week which are quite different from the past.

1. The Ministry of Economy is now replaced by the Ministry of Finance. The responsibilities of the new ministry are: budgeting, final accounting, government funding and making proposal on tax and economic policies. Link

2. The first monthly financial budget of eChina government has been released. Link

3. In the past, the account of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) was shared between the country president and the president of PBOC. After the recent reformation, PBOC no longer assumed the responsibility of funding any more. The funds will be allocated from the national treasury to the Ministry of Finance, with the approval of the Congress. In the event of emergencies, to save the time required for going through procedures, a new emergency fund directly controlled by the Country President was set up, namely, the eChina military fund. Link

4. China Mobile Crops (CMC) has been set up recently. This is an elite mobile unit subordinate to the CNDA. The commander of CMC is The Samurai, our former president. Link

5. In order to strengthen the communication between the government and the common citizens, the Ministry of Information has launched a new column, “The City Forum”. Link

6. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has finished the visit to Australia, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and India. Link

Other than the above-mentioned big events, each department has carried out its routine work.

1. Country President

(1)The MPPs with Malaysia and Australia have been signed. The 7x24 training war may be ensured in the near future. Link

(2)The President has proposed to revise the new citizen message. But due to technical reasons, the proposal was temporarily rejected. Link 1; Link 2

(3) eChina Military Fund has released the operation records of Day873-874. Link

2. Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance has published the draft of the general government budget for April. Link

3. People's Bank of China and Branch of PBoC

(1) The work of People's Bank of China has been successfully handed over. The operation records of Day868-873 and the current monetary policy were published. Link

(2) The work of the Branch of PBoC has been successfully handed over. The operation records of Day867-874 were published.

4. Ministry of SinoDefence

(1)The members of CNDA (China National Defensive Army) have been registered again.

(2)We have provided Australia with military aid after she was invaded by Indonesia. Link

(3)CMC has published its member list. Link

5. Ministry of Education

(1) Due to the change of the rules for hospital, the Ministry of Education has published the new guidance. Link

(2) The Ministry of Education has published some articles to introduce the political system and the functions of governmental departments.

6. Ministry of Welfare

(1) The Ministry of Welfare has released the operation records of March. Link

(2) In order to stabilize the price of the moving ticket, the Ministry of Welfare has offered for sale 100 Q1 moving tickets at the price of 8.5 CNY. And now the price of Q1 moving ticket is going down gradually. Link

7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(1) After the president of Poland in real life died in the air crash, the Minister of Foreign Affairs extended our condolences to ePoland. Link

(2) The Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed our support to Australia after she was invaded by Indonesia. Link

8. Ministry of Technology

The Minister of Technology will continue to provide eChina Statistics Report and eChina Military Report.

9. Ministry of Information

(1) The Ministry of Information has published the list of members of the eChinese Cabinet in April. Link

(2) The first round of “The City Forum”. Link

翻译:eric288 校对:Dandelion Ou
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1. 城市论坛:收集民众对政府的意见,请相关人员解答。每周五开始征集问题,周六周 日收集答复,次周周一发布答复;
2. 政府工作报告:公布各部门的工作动态,每周出报一次(星期三);
3. 国际时事:关注国际重大时事,分为【简讯】和【专题】两部分,每周出报2期,今 后视人手增加可能提高出报频率。
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1. 时事记者:人数不限。负责内容:[国际时事]板块,撰写【快讯】及【专题】。要 求:有一定的英译中能力,能够收集各国报纸关于国际时事的报道,并撰写摘要。
2. 信息收集:1人。负责内容:[城市论坛]板块,整理每一期的20个问题,每周工 作1次;政务公开,收集各部门一周以来的工作动向和各部公告链接,撰写摘要,每周工作 1次。要求:对工作有热情,认真负责。
3. 中译英翻译:人数不限。负责内容:中译英,将[城市论坛]和政务公开的新闻翻译 成英文,每一板块每周工作各1次。要求:有较好的中译英能力。
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欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。