
Day 871, 02:40 Published in China China by eChina News.cn



『城市论坛』来自于香港港台制作的长寿节目,逢星期日风雨无间,于港九各地作户外直播 。宗旨在于鼓励言论自由,反映民意。

信息部将以『城市论坛』之名,于每星期就广受社会人士关注的论题,举行公开答问,以解 答大家对政府的意见和问题等等。


这是第一期“城市论坛”的问题征集阶段,自现在起持续 24小时。 24小时后,我们将整理大家的问题,请相关人士解答。届时将发布政府对各项问题的解答 。



欢迎大家通过信息部组织号MaxHoToDandelion Ou的信箱对信息部的工作提出意见和建议。
English version:

Dear citizens of eChina,

Hello! Here is a new sector of the Ministry of Information, the City Forum.

The City Forum will serve as a platform for citizens to express their opinions. The Ministry of Information will organize a press conference in each week to answer your questions towards the government.
Your questions are warmly welcomed. The period for raising questions will last for 24 hours starting from now. After the expiration of 24 hours, we will invite members of the government to give their answers. Please keep tuned to our next issue, in which you will see answers of the government.

Your may send your recommendations on the work of the Ministry of Information by a PM to the organization eChina News.cn, or to MaxHoTo and Dandelion Ou.