[Update] The latest update of my discoveries !

Day 792, 05:32 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Apotygma

Dear Belgians,

Here is my daily news and update about the situation in Belgium and the politics in general. A lot has happened the last couple of hours and the political field seems beter and brighter ever moment. I believe that we have know a couple of persons involved and with talent. Persons that are willing to fight for a free Belgium.

The presence of this people doesn’t mean that we have a good and independent congress though. We are still under the threat of an independent TO as I will explain later on in this article.

1 – Clarifications about the parties

Yesterday, in my article, I made an analysis of what we knew about the parties that are today active in Belgium. I set up a couple of facts in order to ensure that everybody knows who they are dealing with. I asked for reactions and many of them came and the political field changed again, this is why I am here today.

A – The National Democratic Front

A lot of movement was noticeable in this party today. First we saw the demission of unualibro as Party President, his successor is uaithne we are wishing her all the luck she will need. Why mention this? I like to believe that I was the origin of this switch, a good switch in my eyes and a clear sign of devotion of this party to the cause of Belgium.

Unualibro was one of the contested figures in the party as an influent member in EDEN, he was a sign of possible problems and involvement of EDEN in the country politics. I now believe that he will be a viable asset in the future politics of our country. You can see in his newspaper , that he clarified a lot.

This clarification where essential and now allow me to state that : The National Democratic Front is in favor of a Belgium for Belgians, they (seem) will work for a good and independent state. A state that will become free again.

I don’t know how much Unualibro was involved in the coming events, but if he was involved I want to thank him : FLANDERS WILL SOON BE FREE ! A resistance war started in Flanders, a resistance war that will allow us to recover a second region. Apparently EDEN is now supporting the idea of a free Belgium, I am only curious now how much they will be involved in our country politics.

We can now resume the situation about this party as following :
* It a “Pro-EDEN” party or at least it has roots linking it to EDEN
* It appears to be a party that is willing to work for a free Belgium, a good Belgium and a healthy Belgium.
* They have shown clear signs of commitment to the Belgian cause by asking there PP to step down in order to prove there good faith
* Their current PP, is someone who has been fighting since the beginning for Belgium and has a good political background
* The only problem we can (or I can) raise is the lack of experience, from their 9 candidates, only 2 have experience in congress (and 1 romanian that I don’t trust). A lack of experience that might be a handicap, but the official candidates (NFronny, Wout an Uiathne) seem to have a real will and ready to work hard. I believe they will be good candidates.
* Supported by the Belgian Revolutionary Party
* My advice : Vote if you trust them.

A link to all of the presentation will follow in an upcoming article.

B – Belgian For Belgians

A new party has emerged, led by Olv007 a well known eRepublik member and officially supported by the Belgian Party. I know Ovl007, he was active in the previous occupation of Belgium and he never stopped to support its country along his eLife.

It is a fairly new party, a party that still need to grow but I believe an official statement of its party president will come soon. For the moment I will keep with what I know :

* It is a “Pro-PHOENIX” party, as Olv007 and the BP are both well-known supporters of PHOENIX
* Olv007 and BP are both committed to the Belgian cause it none is able to discredit this trust in Belgium
* They have a very experience crew coming up, I’m monitoring the situation and I can assure you that experienced persons will be joining them in the close future.
* Supported by the Belgian Party
* My advice : vote if you trust them

I will present the candidates a little before the congress elections and when official candidates will be known. We must not forget that each party can propose 10 members, which is a lot nowadays.

2 – Why does the future of our country look a little better

We can see today that the two parties that are getting involved in our country are supporting two different alliances. Why do I see this as an advantage?

First, having people involved from the two major alliances will ensure that our country will not be attacked our TO’ed by one of them. Active negotiations are being held to determine how our country will be runned, but I believe that with two active parties in Belgium supporting both sides, we can set us up as a neutral country. A country that is NOT involved in the wars between EDEN/PHOENIX.

Secondly, with this neutral position we will be able to grow in peace and take advantage of both alliances. Both parties can ask for help in case we are in trouble. Both parties can ensure that no PTO will be held within the country with the approval of the Alliance.

But, we are not safe yet. We have to remember that even if the threat of a PTO led by EDEN or PHOENIX, the danger still exists. The Group already returned. They are here, Highst IS BACK ! And we can be sure that The Group isn’t the only organization that will try to PTO our country. The Croatian soldiers are still in our country with Belgian citizenship. They are more than 90 and able to recruit more people !

What are their intentions? We don’t know. We have to stay very attentive. Only after congress elections we will know how it finished, so ASK YOUR FRIENDS, call them and tell them to join us ! Tell them that we need them ! We need REAL Belgians in order to make our country grow !

3 - Our new forum

I nearly forgot, a new forum has been created and is presenting itself as the new forum of eBelgium ! This also includes a IRC chat available through internet, so please all join this forum and make it live. Maybe another forum will rise up, but this is the first one we have and it is a first good step towards a real freedom.

You can find the forum here :

and the IRC chat here:

Thanks to Manong Rizal for this initiative as he announces it in his newspaper.

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