[UKRP] The Resurgence: Them's excitin' times, folks!

Day 1,912, 15:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

Party President elections are due, as I'm sure we all know, in two days. I love these; they're a brilliantly democratic way for citizens to have a say in the direction of their party for at least a month. Some parties will rise to the top. Others will do a political 180 and take a whole new policy direction. Some might even get a rebrand/name change.

This month, the UKRP are privileged to have three of its most productive and prominent members up for election: Robalbinio, Thomas765 and Cygnus X1. If you've been at all active on forums, feed or IRC you'll know at least one of them, and most likely know that they'd make an excellent leader. But which? Just like in Highlander, there can only be one.

I'm going to give you the positives of each candidate, based on their manifesto and what I know about them. They're by no means exhaustive, but just what comes to mind most prominently. But beforehand, I'd like to play tribute to Seranok - his candidacy didn't survive the primaries, but he had some great ideas that I urge whoever wins to consider. Now, onto the candidates:



+ Has a treasure trove of experience. Like, seriously. Just look at his wiki CV.
+ Is very active on the forums and IRC. He contributes to policy discussions, gives opinions and actively participates in the party dialogue.
+ Has done a load for recruitment, not just in the past as PP, but in PMing citizens and organising efforts to do so.
+ Believes in a constant UKRP media presence, which I've always thought is a an important way to keep us in the public eye. This is key to votes, members and deals.
+ Is a pimp daddy. And Eomer.

Cygnus X1


+ Is fantastic with recruiting, and has been the primary force in a strong effort to attract and keep members. He also writes very good recruitment emails.
+ Like Thomas, he emphasises an active media presence, and proposes rewarding contributors. The more people we get writing, the more people will know us.
+ He's doing great things with the NHS, and has well proved himself in terms of running organisations.
+ Gets my vote. This is not at all to say that Thomas and Robalbinio wouldn't be as good, but I've especially seen his dedication and hard work firsthand.



+ Has had big successes as a Party Prez before, with the super awesome Movement for Democratic Unity.
+ Has great ideas for how to organise necessary tasks for the improvement of the party. In fact, his manifesto's pretty great.
+ Has good ideas for the media, including appointing an editor for party articles.
+ Is very active on the forums, a contributor to all sorts of discussions within the main and party boards.
+ Is also a pimp daddy. And he loves Zoey Deschanel.

Now, as you'll notice, this article was grouped under the Resurgence, which I haven't banged on about in a while. Why does this fit in here? Because whichever fine candidate walks away with the prize, I fail to believe that there is any way but up for the party. We'll have great leadership, new members, new activities and new fun. Appleby was instrumental in the resurgence and had a great term, as did DM and thedark. Forward we go!

Quick one: Whoever you're planning on voting on, please vote up all manifesto articles! And this one. Yeah, vote this one. You know you want to, you dirty girl.