[UKPP] Oprah vs Lance(er450)

Day 1,889, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Editor’s Note – Hello and welcome to the delayed first edition of Session with Sambo, my first interview will be later on in the issue, but first an update on eUK news. Please remember to shout, comment and vote and if you enjoyed the article hit that subscribe button up top for more Sambo goodness.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky

The eUK has recently exploded into a feeding frenzy of mudslinging due to the action of the eUK Country President, BigAnt, who, as he promised in his election campaign, brought us war. First he invaded Norway which angered Canada and the Netherlands which caused the eUK to be in its first ‘proper’ war as many had been asking for a long time. However BigAnt’s opponents felt it was a silly move to cause us a war on three fronts and anger many of our neighbours and allies. This is understandable and the eUK media has been full of articles on this subject from both sides along with the topic being discussed on various IRC channels and on the eUK forums. What do you think of BigAnt’s plan has he done what he promised in his election campaign or has he caused the eUK to look silly in front of its allies by bringing a war upon us which could maybe still see us wiped if we aren’t careful and seriously damage the country funds.

To find out where to fight please subscribe and vote up the MoD articles: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/mod-news-2762/1

In other news, the eUK PP elections brought us some new PP’s in the top parties and some carried on for another term. Congratulations to all the winners, here is a list of the PP’s from the eUK’s top 5 parties:

UKPP – Lancer450

TUP – The Equalist

New Era – Sir Winston S Churchill

One Vision – LongShotzZ

ESO – jamesw

Today with have an interview with UKPP’s new PP Lancer450, and no, this isn’t Oprah vs Lance. Firstly I’m not a woman (I think) and Lancer didn’t take performance enhancing drugs (I hope). Anyway let’s get on with the interview:

BOLD = Sambo112 (interviewer)
PLAIN = Lancer450 (Party President)

Firstly, congratulations on being elected as the United Kingdom Progression Party’s (UKPP) first Party President (PP) of 2013. What were the main factors that brought you to the UKPP in the first place when you joined the eUK?

Thank you, Sambo112. Well, when I first came to the eUK I was mostly concerned with making new friends and trying to dive into the community as to find my niche as you would say. I wanted a party that was really just full of great people that I got along with. I quickly found that in the UKPP and decided to make the UKPP my new home.

What do you think the UKPP offers to new members (and older members) that other top 5 parties in the eUK do not have?

The UKPP offers a place for new members and old members alike to have an influence on party policy. There is almost no executive decision-making; instead decisions are made through a direct democratic process. It offers a place for players to truly voice their opinions and get involved as long as they are willing to put in the effort no matter their age or experience. It really is a party for everybody in my opinion.

As PP what ideas do you plan on proposing and implementing in UKPP to help continue to strengthen and expand the ideas and impact the party makes in eUK politics and what it can offer for its members?

One idea I plan on instituting is a mentor programme for members of our party, specifically the newer members of our party. It will help to provide needed guidance and knowledge across all of the different modules of the game to the new members of our party. This will, in turn, help to properly develop our members and, thus, the country.

Where do YOU see the UKPP in the near future and what can be done to make this happen?

In the future I would like to see the UKPP retain its position as the top party in the top five and also maintain its solid commitment to support new players. This can be done through strong recruitment efforts, which is something I have attempted to devote a lot of attention to since becoming party president. As for supporting new players, I would like to believe that this can be done by implementing my mentor programme in conjunction with great communication.

Do you plan to work closely with other parties to benefit the eUK and how (if at all) do you plan to work with those parties UKPP is locked in 'political battle' with?

I do plan on trying to work with other political parties in the eUK to benefit the country; however I will always be sure to listen to the members of my party before entering into any sort of official agreements. I have, however, already made the personal commitment not to buy votes for articles released by myself or our party spokesman or for any articles that aim to promote the party in any way. I did this as a way to sort of extend my hand to the other parties in the eUK and I assume it has been well-received by those parties. That, I hope, will help our various parties to be able to find some amount of mutual respect and begin to build bridges with one another, which may result in our parties being able to work together better.

Finally, do you have anything else you would like to say to UKPP members, other party members or to potential future members reading this article?

First off, I would, once again, like to say thank you to all of the UKPP members who voted for me in the party president election as well as to those who did not vote for me. I look forward to serving the party and doing my best to help to improve it. The UKPP, in my opinion, is one of the most welcoming parties I have ever had the opportunity to be a member of. I have the hope that the UKPP can and will continue to be a strong, influential voice in government and throughout the community.

Thank you for your time

Thanks for the interview.

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More Lancer450?

Lancer’s Newspaper - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-british-telegraph-259488/1

eUK Gov

MoD - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/mod-news-2762/1

MoF - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/bank-of-england-news-2217/1

MoFA - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/uk-foreign-office-239373/1

MoHA - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/euk-home-office-news-184299/1

CP - http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/keith-lemon-daily-270979/17

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment saying what you thought of the article, and remember to vote, sub and shout.
