[UKGOV] UK Today, Day 1420

Day 1,420, 18:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Good Day and welcome to UK Today!


Welcome to UK Today

Learned how to fight?
Now you are ready to be a part of something bigger!

The focus today is on Military Units

- What's a Military Unit (MU)?

- What MU's are there?

- I want to follow in Temujin94's footsteps...

Military units are in-game groups that you can join to gain benefits like increased communication via shouts, and also receive your commander's orders.

You can find the military unit page by going Community - Military unit. If you are already in a military unit, you will find yourself on the military unit's page, otherwise there will be a list of units that you can apply to join.
Alternatively, you can access this page with SHIFT+M keyboard shortcut.

Where to find military unit page

When you join a military unit, you begin as a recruit until a mission is completed. Once you complete the 'recruit's orders', full membership is granted. You can now vote for captains , or candidate to become captain in the elections on 15th of each month..

Recruit's orders

Each military unit is divided into several regiments, each regiment can have a captain: captains have the ability to remove members from their regiments and to set the daily orders for their regiment.

The commander is the leader of the military unit, they can kick members out of the military unit and post orders to the entire unit, the commander can chose two members to be second commanders, who can also kick members.

There are three main benefits to being in a military unit.
1, Communication
Military units bind a group of players together, they can communicate on the shout-box/message-board of each regiment. For political parties they can be a useful asset on election days, and as such the major political parties of eUK each have a unit.

2, Daily bazooka + energy bar
If you kill 25 enemies in a specific battle, set by the commanders and captains of your unit, you can earn a bazooka and an energy bar every day. Bazookas alone will give you 15,000 damage every day just for 3 fights and the 1,500 rank points that go with it can really help you rank up and do even more damage in the future.

3, Supplies
Some military units give weapons and food to their members, this is usually in exchange for working in select companies for minimum wage. Supplies given through this method are usually worth more than you could buy from a normal job market wage. So if you find yourself buying weapons & food with your wages, its worth considering find a military unit that will supply your the weapons & food in exchange for working in their companies.

Here are some examples of the main military units in eUK, not an exhaustive list:

UK Armed Forces Military Units

Royal Navy & British Army
The two 'rank and file' branches of the UK Armed Forces, members of these units receive daily supply and follow the Ministry of Defence orders.

UK Special Forces
An exclusive military unit, UKSF is made up of some of the strongest soldiers that the eUK has to offer, members of UKSF receive generous supplies and follow Ministry of Defence orders

Political Party Military Units

TUP Family
The largest military unit in the eUK, TUP Family accepts anyone and is primarily focused on community. It is available as a general alternative to private militia and UK Armed Forces.

ESO Legion
A supplied military unit of the ESO political party, they receive weekly supply and can get extra weapons by helping out the unit and ESO in various ways.

UKRP Military
A military style mentor program of UKRP political party that do daily strikes.

Private Military Units

A private military unit that is invite-only membership, it is a Smack free zone and as such, a reasonably safe working environment.

The Privateers
A non-political military unit run by Eno Live that tends to fight for the eUK.

If you are thinking of making your own military unit, be prepared to foot the bill, it will cost you 40 gold, plus you'll need an in-game rank of commander and to be level 20+.

Perhaps you wish to emulate the glorious leader Temujin94, follow in his footsteps and fight for the best of the best in the eUK. You'll want to be joining UK Special Forces no doubt, where Temujin94 patriotically fights for King and country every day. Your goal is perfectly noble, but its worth noting that not every military unit wants just anyone!
UK Special Forces only take on people who can give them a certain amount of influence/damage per day, so depending on how strong you are, it could be some time before you fight side-by-side with Temujin94 in UKSF. Be patient though, one day you could be a God of War, then you might end up one of the strongest military units in the eUK on your own!

In your entertainment for this month we are running with a Pokemon theme. To that end, in this UK Today and in following issues, there will be pokemon hidden here and there. For those who wish to take part and be in with a chance of winning a prize and becoming a pokemon master, we are running a little competition called "Gotta Catch 'em All!". When you find yourself a pokemon in an article, send a PM to Invalidation with the name of the pokemon you've seen and where you found it. A record will be kept and whoever catches the most by the end of the month will be named pokemon master, and prizes will be given out to the best pokemon trainers.



- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice then PM our Lead Mentor Jimbojoy and you will be contacted shortly.

-If you're a new player you may qualify for free food. Follow this link- http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=588 and post in all of the threads advertising food schemes there.

Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

Invalidation & Jimbojoy