[UK]Trying to Change the World?

Day 597, 18:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
So, you're new, huh?

Yeah. Me, too.

Well, what do we do here? It all looks so...so...simple?

It is, really. Let's go over the basic premise of Erepublik. It seems to get lost in the threads and posts about invading ____ or expanding to regain the empire or "Why can't we all just get along?", that at times we can all forget what Erepublik actually is.

Erepublik is a Mass Multiplayer Online Game. It is, in it's basic form, a simulation of Real Life.

No, it's not exactly like Real Life, hence the Motto "The New World". There are plenty of things that do not apply to Erepublik that you could very well make a fortune off of in Real Life. Sorry to ruin that dream, but they just don't work here.

Then what do you do here, exactly?

The answer to that is both simple and complicated, all at the same time. Erepublik is based on Human Intelligence and Activity, rather than complicated graphics and Hand Eye Coordination (a la Halo). We are several things here, and we are not several things here.

1. In Erepublik, you're not going to find a ton of technical options. You can only do so much inside the game itself, and only so much all by yourself. You can work, train, fight (with open wars in your country), run for election, and a few other odds and ends which are inclusive to Country Management. You can run companies, but you cannot control who else can run companies. Everyone gets that equal opportunity. Everyone can be President, run a Military Unit, talk to people, make friends, and maybe, just maybe, learn a thing or two about other people.

2. Erepublik is a Social Networking Site with a few added buttons. To boil it down, in Erepublik you cannot "win" alone. You cannot invade countries and islands like the movie 300 all by yourself. It takes teamwork, cooperation, idealistic compromise, and overall good communication skills to succeed in Erepublik. This isn't the environment you want to come into, filled with lawyers and political science students, and other higher IQ fields that you want to not be able to express yourself clearly. Does that mean you have to speak perfect English? No, absolutely not. Most would argue the English don't speak perfect English, you just need to be able to express your ideas well. The average user that will enjoy this type of community based game is going to one who enjoys reading and writing a lot, and who has a better attention span than the average population.

3. Erepublik is not for FPS fans, for the most part. People who enjoy gaming overall usually enjoy a laid back atmosphere such as this, where it takes time to accomplish anything. People who have a hard time spending the time and effort to attain goals, or cannot budget their time wisely usually prefer First Person Shooter games to Erepublik. You're not going to be able to "Blow Stuff Up" here, as it's concept is aimed at Community rather than "What kind of weapon do I have?". You can spend minimal time and still get things done, which most lifers call "two-clicking", but those usually aren't the kind to enjoy Erepublik for a long time on end.

4. Erepublik is NOT a game in which you can achieve overnight success. It takes time and effort to get anywhere, with the Experience system, and with a game based on your reputation and knowledge it takes time to prove to people that you know what you're talking about. You cannot join a "Guild" on your first day here, like you can in other Multiplayer games. You have to earn your stripes, so to speak, through the energy you spend. Accomplishments in Erepublik, on the average, take several months to really be able to say "I did X".

5. Erepublik is not a Community where Real Life events really effect most of what goes on. This section is quite important. We must admit that Real Life history between various communities, especially those with hundreds or thousands of years of National History will eventually come into Erepublik.

That being said, we've got almost two years of History of our own. Each country has it's own background and history, Foreign Relations and Past Events, all of which affect the other. We base most of our relationship in Erepublik off of our eHistories together, and Real Life History and motives should take a backseat. We're moving forward, so let's not move into the past.

In your young mind, padowan, think of everything you have ever wanted to accomplish in Real Life. Perhaps you wanted to be President, perhaps in the Army. Maybe you want to own your own company or found the largest corporation in the World. Maybe you wanted to learn how to play a stock market-style system. In Erepublik, you can do that. You just have to put the time and effort into it yourself. Learn the game, learn the mechanics, learn the people.

Then Change the World.

Some small tips:

-Before claiming to be the second coming of Jesus, please read as much as possible. Recommend time of learning is at least a month.
-Don't work higher than Q1 until you have 3-4 skill. You lose too much wellness, and will not be able to make enough to buy the proper food.
-Learn the Wellness System. It's vital to your ability to make money every day and fight/rank in wars.
-Be nice. Don't jump off at the first person who you feel is rude.
-Know your country and your Government, do your part. Your role until you are the leader of the next generation is to help work in unison. Bucking the system won't help anyone, especially yourself.

Newspapers to Subscribe to in the UK:
Department for Work
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Trade
Bank of England
National Newspaper Association
eUK Home Office

And Of Course:


Military Portal Page

Sign up to the Military Portal to become part of the United Kingdom's Armed Forces. We have three branches and are continuously working to improve ourselves. It's very important to do your part. We'll do ours as best we can, but cannot be effective without your cooperation.

National UK Forums

Sign up here to get involved in the Community. Our Forum Community is one of the largest in Erepublik. Don't miss out, as we offer tutors, private forums to political parties, and many many other benefits.

Rizon CHAT

Room: #eUK

For real time conversation with the eUK and it's people. Government staff is also usually found in here.

Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs