[TUP] How to get more involved in TUP in 5 easy steps

Day 1,176, 11:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

TUP are the largest party in eUK and yet there are always opportunities for people to progress and get more involved in the party. If you prefer to stay in game and support us then that’s fine too and we appreciate your support very much. If, however, you are one of the people who wants more out of the game or see yourself as a future Congressman, Party President or Country President then this article should give you a few basic tips. Even if you don’t want to do too much, following the first couple of tips will enable you to see what we are up to and have an input in party decisions, votes and policies.

Tip 1: Join the eUK forums
You’ve probably heard this one before. It’s a good idea though. The community is based there and there’s usually a fair bit going on. All government discussion and party discussion happens there along with more general conversation and entertainment.

TUP even offer welcome baskets for joining and posting in the relevant thread. You’ll get 30 wellness of food and we ask nothing in return.

Tip 2: Request access to TUP sub forums

This is where party business happens. Whether it’s discussing policy, voting for our next CP candidate or just having a bit of fun; our forums are active and we have a great party community in there. It’s also the place to register as an official congress candidate.

Tip 3: Contribute

If you want to progress quickly in TUP, all you have to do is contribute. You can do this by participating in threads in both the TUP sub forums and in the eUK forums too. Active members are far more likely to progress higher in the party. It doesn’t matter whether you joined last week or last year, just that you are active and want to progress. Those who contribute more tend to progress quicker. You can pretty much run for congress as an official candidate whenever you feel you are ready, so long as you register in the congress thread in good time. We expect our congressmen to contribute to topics in the government forum section and to keep a good voting record – fair enough we feel as you will be representing the nation.

Tip 4: Join us on IRC

For those who don’t know, IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. IRC channels are basically chat rooms. Most of the highly active members in eUK political parties are on IRC regularly. It’s an easy way to talk about things in real time and a great place to meet other members. IRC active members usually progress quickly and contribute more just from simply being there to share their opinions and help out. Instructions on how to access our IRC channels can be easily found in our forums.

Tip 5: Take a Government Job

The route to high office is through government work. The first step is to apply for an apprentice position in one of the Ministries. You can apply for Ministry positions around the time of Country President elections, although some ministries will take applications at any time of the month. You’re pretty much guaranteed a position and if you perform well as an apprentice you can work your way up to Under-Minister and then Minister. This experience will enable you to help the country as well as learn more about the game. It can also help you get to know a few more people in the community and to make a name for yourself as an important member of the eUK government.

That’s it. 5 Simple steps to becoming a major part of TUP and eUK. It would be great to see some more of you getting involved with the party but if not, thanks again for your continuing support of TUP.

Dan Moir
TUP Party President

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