[TI] Change of Command

Day 2,537, 12:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ser Fartsalot

Hello Irregulars,

I'm hereby informing you that Huey George is the new/old Commander of the unit. He's expressed his desire to be in charge again. I'd like to thank him for the opportunity to learn new game mechanics as well as 2nd Commanders Paulus G and alan warwickshire for interesting 5 weeks while I was the Commander. I intended to publish this from the official MU newspaper but unfortunately was not able to do so because the password was changed (and the money still remains on the market, for the record!).

During my Command I've done the following:

1) Established "High Command" that consists of Commander, 2nd Commanders and the Founder of the unit. It was a place where big and small changes for the unit were discussed and agreed on before implementation. These changes included the change of military unit name and future logo (that still remains unfinished), new rewarding system, military unit clean-up and Captain appointments.

2) I tried establishing "Command Table" that would include Captains as well but it died of as there was not much interest shown.

3) The new rewarding and stats system was introduced and it brought in some healthy competition among players. Some were maybe not too thrilled with this but nevertheless, I'd like to inform you that I'll do stats and rewards one last time for this week (as I'm banned from accessing the official MU newspaper).

4) The unit was cleaned of avatarless and possible multi inactive accounts.

5) Around 13k cc of MU and 30k cc of country's money was spent on COs as well as a lot of my own money for defense against Canada. I intended to put in some more money but I've gotten no reply so far if the COs will be set or not.

UK's reputation stands on the strength of its military units and countries overall damage. Therefore, TI, as one of the stronger units out there needs to continue improving and keep the good pace I believe it has.

Thanks for reading,

Member of TI,

Ser Fartsalot

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