[Slavic Union] SUAF and meeting

Day 1,524, 01:12 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Hochelus

Hi, today as most important part I would like to show tou our SUAF constitution, because many people were asking what will we do if two Slavic countries start to fight each other, so here it is:

Slavic Union Armed forces (SUAF) is military part of Slavic Union.
SUAF is created to defend interest of Slavic countries in military way.
Decisions where to fight are made by SUAF military units leaders.

Battles priorities for SUAF:
1. Defend Slavic country from 3rd countries
(in "defending" is also making and fighting in resistance wars, to free occupied territories)
2. Help Slavic countries in attack on 3rd countries
3. I there are no other battles fight for allies.

Note: If there is fight between two Slavic countries, SUAF is not involving, only SUAF units from those countries are allowed to take part in fighting, unless one country is giving regions because of renting them or swapping through territory.

So as, you can see, we are not involving in Slavic-Slavic fights (as for now 😛 )

And other inforation for today:
(1,524 day of erepublik)at 12:00 eRep time on #SUAF on Rizon: irc://rizon.mibbit.org/SUAF will be Slavic Union meeting, we will talk about our future, and what to do to everyone who want to take part in that, please join our conversation and tell us your opinion. 🙂

If there is not any delegate from your country, and you want to help us, please contact ME

If you want to join, register on our

or join us on SKype (write me a PM)
As you could read in our constitution,
"- Financing of Slavic Union is based on the voluntary donations of its members."
Because we can't donate to org, if you want donate something to us, please donate to one of delegates or CoFunders

Thanks for reading 🙂

Always yours

Slavic Union CoFunder