[Slavic Union] Constitution

Day 1,517, 09:50 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Hochelus

[SLO] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-slo-status-slovanske-zveze-1946507/1/20
[RU] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-rus-1-1947240/1/20
[UA] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-039-ua--1947543/1/20
[BiH] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-slavenska-unija-ustav-1947748/1/20


We peoples of Slavic nations determine😛 to save succeeding generations from absurd fratricide wars, which unnecessarily sowed hatred among us and often obstructed economic development of our countries, to create a force able to resist attack of strong enemy, and to ensure right to self-determination for large and also small Slavic nations. We peoples of Slavic nations decide😛 to create a powerful and coherent organization, which will be able to defend our interests – SLAVIC UNION.

1. Membership:

- Membership in Slavic Union is optional and member may at any time leave the organization.
- Every citizen of one of following countries: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine is allowed to become a member of Slavic Union.
- Membership may be permanently suspended only in case, if it is proved, that member intentionally damage Slavic Union.

2. Administration:

- Only official organization of Slavic Union in eRepublik is "SLAVIC UNION secretariat"

3. Basic hierarchy:

3.1. Founders

- highest functions of Slavic Union are CoFounders.
- another management functions can be appointed by a CoFounder

3.2. Delegates

- Each Slavic country has exactly one delegate.
- All delegates and all countries are equal.
- Delegates are choosen and elected by members from their country.
- Delegates are direct representatives of Slavic Union in their countries, publish propagational articles and promote Slavic Union among possible members.
- Delegate may be suspended only in case, if it is proved, that he intentionally damage Slavic Union. At least two thirds of delegates must agree.

3.3. Advisors

- In Slavic Union are administrative, financial, politician, media and military advisors.
- Advisors are choosen by Delegates.
- Role of administrative advisor is to administrate a complete list of members of Slavic Union.
- Role of financial advisor is to organize financial collections and planning of its use.
- Role of political advisor is to monitor the political situation in the world and report on it.
- Role of media advisor is to monitor the world opinion about the Slavic Union and report on it.
- Role of military advisor is to monitor the wars and report on it.

4. Comunication:

- Official communication language of the Slavic Union is English, because of its neutrality and prevalence.
- main mode of communication is the official forum of Slavic Union.

5. Financing and use of funding:

- Financing of Slavic Union is based on the voluntary donations of its members.
- Funds can be used to help any Slavic state via donation, but only with acceptance of CoFounder and the majority of delegates.
- Funds can be used for advertising of Slavic union without acceptance of the majority of delegates.