[Russia] Reality check

Day 635, 23:43 Published in Russia Hungary by Zoli
Update day 636 - 03:30 eRep time

Portugal annouced it will sign the peace treaty with the USA [Paz Com USA] Posição Oficial

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I hear disturbing things about Russia. First was the alleged theft of the Russia reserves by the Russian President, second was the rumor that you are rejecting the peace treaty with USA . The rumor that Russia will not sign the treaty appeared on on the US forum . I do not know if it is real or not, but it was published (started) by US President, Emerick. Maybe he is just trying to divede us.

Get your act together. You can get 4000 GOLD and 18 training battles that would allow you to train without spending a dime for 36 days.

Let’s see what parties involved have to gain from this treaty:

1. USA – obvious. They’ll get most of the regions back, they can start rebuilding their economy, they will have 4 months during which must not fear an attack but they cannot attack either the countries they have signed peace with.

2. Indonesia – they will receive 1900 GOLD and by giving back 8 regions it will have 16 days of training RWs without paying a dime. They will also keep California and Hawaii. By closing the war with USA it will assure that USA cannot use its MPP’s against it, and that the USA will have to pay a hefty sum just to open the war/

3. France – they will receive no monetary compensation but will close the war with the SUA. This way they can focus solely on Spain.

4. Portugal – They will receive 2500 GOLD and with 12 regions they will get 24 days of free training. Sweet deal.

5. Hungary – It will receive 900 GOLD, Alaska and with the 3 RWs it will get 6 days of training battles.

For these 5 countries signing the peace treaty is a win – win situation, they will probably do it even if Russia signs or not. Russia has two options, to sign or to reject it. Let’s see what these 2 options imply.

a) Russia does not sign the peace treaty with USA.
With Indonesia and Portugal signing the peace treaty with the USA Russia will lose the active MPP with Indonesia and Portugal against the USA. Up to now the total damage inflicted in the war between Russia and USA it was 27,539,530 for Russia’s side and 26,399,432 for US side. Taking out Indonesia and Portugal Russia would have inflicted 15,059,010. This clearly shows that Russia will not be able to defend those regions in case of a US counter attack. Because those are non-original region a US attack will not reactivate those MPPs so you will certainly lose all regions and you will get no GOLD.

b) Russia will sign the peace treaty with USA
Russia will get 4000 GOLD and with 18 RWs you can get free training battles for 36 days.

Analyze your options. Nothing is being imposed to Russia. PEACE will support the decision of Russia and Russia must support the decisions of other PEACE nations. If just some countries want to gain money and end fighting is their option. If some want to fight one that is also an option.