[Presidential Update - Day 1592] The Continued Offensive

Day 1,592, 10:33 Published in Philippines Philippines by Mr aNiallator

Hello Citizens and Allies,

Here is a update on the war effort. Despite all these rubbish *attempts* at trolling and big talk in the comments of all my articles. Indonesia is STILL losing to the Philippines. We have won all our direct battles so far, but we did lose a RW in Sulawesi by 6 rounds to 8 just a few hours ago.

Here is a look at the regional map:

As you can see we currently own 2 Indonesian regions due to recently losing Suluwesi to a RW narrowly. We are currently attacking the Lesser Sunda Islands. Indonesia has wiped Malaysia and Singapore our allies but RW's will be started to release them soon 😃

I have also managed to get some pictures of Indonesians retreating from Papau after the humiliating defeat by Filipino and ally forces:

Leaving in style.

Also I would like to take this moment to pronounce Marie von Gablitz, princess of the Maluku Islands. This event has taken place as the poor islanders need a diety to look up to and Marie is definitely the Princess that would be perfect to rule them.

The Terrible Indonesian Trolls

As I mentioned earlier, there have been Indo trolls on my articles. I'm actually very glad you are here as it allows me to laugh at comments such as:

Due to the unfortunate situation of many of the Indonesians being poorly educated. I being the generous person I am, will be offering free English lessons to all Indonesian subjects in regions owned by the Philippines. It's the least I can do to help them out of poverty!

Thank you for reading,

President of the Philippines

NOTE:I will supply all Filipino citizens with q6 weapons to fight if the message me