总统候选人们,请站出来/ President Candidates, Stand Out

Day 651, 03:23 Published in China China by shawkcn

再过五天就是总统选举了, 这次选举有着重要的意义, 它是八月份 eChina 婴儿潮的产物—— 现在超过半数的 eChina 玩家经历的第一次总统大选 。 25 号的议会选举, 让婴儿潮一代了解了议会和 议会的选举。 这次的总统选举, 如果进行得比较成功, 会使国民们更好的了解现有 的政治体系, 也会大大提高婴儿潮一代参 政议政的热情。 一个国家的成功不能只靠少 数精英, 而应该依靠国民整体。 成功的大国需要的是成熟的 国民。 这种成熟, 自然也包括政治成熟。 而政治成熟来自哪里? 它来自政治实践。 所以, 我们需要一次成功的、 充分的、 有价值的总统竞选。

熊猫号角报, 在此呼吁:总统候选人们, 请站出来! 请在这剩下的五六天时间里 , 向选民们展示你自己, 展示你的经验、 你的本事、 你的执政计划, 展示你要如何带领 eChina 走向强大! 请站出来, 选民们等待着你!

我知道, 现在有不少的玩家对于现任 总统 Snayke 有好感, 认为他做的还不错, 而且也很亲民。 但我不希望其他有志于竞选 的玩家, 因为觉得希望不大, 就停止了参选的步伐。 我想说的是, 竞选最终是否成功是一回事 , 是否参选是另一回事。 只要你迈出了参选的步伐, 那就是一种胜利, 那就已经算是为 eChina 做出了一份贡献。 为什么这么说? 让我们反过来想想, 如果总共只有一两个人参选 , 那会怎么样? 公民们失去了选择的权利, 投票不再有意义, 大家会轻视自己那本该十分 重要的投票权;大家少听了 一份执政计划, 国家少了不少可以借鉴的措 施;甚至会大大打击公民们 的参政议政热情, 执政者不再能听到许多有益 的建议, 甚至总统、 议员这些职务本身会被一小 伙人所掌控, 失去新鲜血液的补充。 所以, 请站出来吧, 实现理想的同时, 也是在为国家做贡献。

我知道你们同样热爱 eChina , 同样为 eChina 的发展贡献了许多。 我猜想你们心中恐怕存在着 疑虑:中国人会不会又抱团 ? 会不会排斥我们? 说实话, 我不能保证完全没有这种现 象。 但我想, 在经历过议会选举之后, 我们都成熟了很多。 我们开始反思如何对待不同 文化背景的玩家。 可以去本报之前的一篇文章 (To the Non-Chinese Speaking Background eChina Citizens ) 看看, 看过大家的反应之后, 我相信, 至少相当一部分玩家是清醒 的、 理智的在看待这个问题。 从我自己的观点来说:只要 你没做过背叛 eChina 的事, 只要你热爱 eChina , 只要你有能力, 只要你的执政计划能让我信 服, 那么, 我就投你的票。 熊猫号角报, 同样呼吁非中国文化背景的 玩家站出来, 参加选举。

我们希望的参选者, 是热爱 eChina 的参选者, 是认真对待选举的参选者, 也是有能力带领 eChina 的参选者。 我们希望在 5 号前的这几天时间里, 能看到你充分的展示你自己 。 尤其是你的执政计划, 那将是大家关心的重中之重 。 详细的阐述你的计划, 以获得选民们的认可。

熊猫号角报将致力于推动本 次有重要意义的总统竞选。 我们会关注总统竞选的有关 信息, 及时通告大家;我们支持各 候选人, 通过我们的报纸发表竞选说 明;对于语言上有困难的候 选人, 我们甚至愿意帮忙把你们的 文章翻译成中文。 当然, 如果你还想到有什么地方需 要我们合作配合的, 欢迎联系我们。

熊猫号角, 让我们共同为了 eChina 的繁荣富强而奋斗!

A few days later,it'll be the Country President Election. For the baby boomers,it's the first president election. Last congress election made baby boomers know a little about congress and congress election. This president election is a great chance to make baby boomers realize the polotical system in eRepublik. And they will show their passion to the political affair. The success of a country can't only depend on a small number of elite but also all the citizens. A successful superpower needs mature citizens. Political maturity bases on political practice. So we need a successful and valuable election.

Panda's Horn calls on president candidates to stand out and show yourself in these days. Stand out,voters are calling you!

The significance of running for an election

For all I know, the current president Snayke is in high favor with lots of players, being impressive with his work performance and real earnest for citizens. However, I do not want any other players who were interesting in election campaign would thereupon quit the game only for small hope of success.
What I want to say is, that to win the election is one thing, whether to run for it quite another. As long as you have taken steps to participate, you have won the game already for its contribution to eChina.
Why say so? Let's think about it in return, what will happen, if there are only one or two candidates coming forward. Citizens will lose their rights to choose thereafter, and the voting will be of no significance at all. Everyone will despise their own important rights of voting.We will miss to hear one governing plan, the state will have a great loss of quotable measures; even citizens will lose their passion to the political affair; praetor will lose a lot of helpful advice;president and members will control by a little old people.So please stand out! When you achieved your ideal,you contribute to your state.

Non-Chinese speaking background eChinese citizen

Many non-Chinese speaking background eChinese citizens are worry about the discrimination from the Chinese speaking players. We can’t guarantee that all the Chinese speaking players will be fair to everyone. But most of us are welcoming every qualified eChinese citizens who love and faithful to eChina to join the presidential candidate campaign. We assure you most of the Chinese speaking players like us will be fair and justified as always.
If anyone need help to express their political opinions to Chinese speaking community, you can always use us as a media and contact with the Chinese speaking players through us.

Role of Panda's Horn

Panda's Horn will give the full support to the election in every aspect. We will focus on the news about the election, and inform everybody promptly. All candidates can publish their campaign speeches in Panda's Horn. For the non-Chinese speaking background candidates, we are even willing to translate your article to Chinese. If you need more help, please contact us.

Panda's Horn, strive for the rise of eChina.