[POTUS]Their Defeat, Your Victory, Our War

Day 2,036, 01:53 Published in USA USA by GoneAndGone

***Disclaimer***the following article consists of two parts; part one was written immediately after the ATO victory, and was influenced by ATO victory celebration; part two is far more insightful and constitutes as literature as opposed to trolling. To skip to it, scroll past all the gifs.

Good morning America,

As you may have seen, we beat Ronald Gipper Reaga - aka Pizza the Hut - this term. We not only won the AFA election but also managed to regain the American Military Part - despite the crappy terrible lolumadufailedlolkillyourself efforts of (un)Free Area (also i prefer perimeter to area. Get at me bro) - and also kept up our totally awesome victory in the other top parties and all the 6th parties we needed to win.

Quite frankly, the serbs lost because they’re terrible pigdisgustings, and RGR is loser. Lol u mad right? :3

In picture form, here’s p much what happene😛

Except i can’t make picture atm, so imma describ the pictures:

Rawr! votes!
-said ATO

Rawr Pfeifer!!!
-Said Ajay


-said ATO


- said ajay’s serb friends


-said pokemon announcer and ATO


-said Ajay

OH NO! LET’S MAKE NEW PARTY WITH ONLY 8 MEMBERS AS OF THIS RIGHT NOW AND LET’S CALL IS SMOKING 4CES!!! http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/smokin-4ces-party-3182/1

-Said tttble serbs

The following represents the victories by all the people of whom I cannot name, but trust me, there’s a lot of them, and without them, we wouldn’t have T-Bagged Ajay and his loser n00bs so badly, lol

The preceding was written immediately following our victory over the AFA, Ronald Gipper Reagan, and the Serbian PTOers. My cabinet found it slightly hilarious, so, I opted to include it as I feel given the current situation we find ourselves in, we all need a good laugh... or a strong drink.

On a serious note, the success we experienced in ATOing the top five and the sixth parties is truly something we should take pride in. For months now, we’ve been fighting against a force that will do anything possible to beat us, to destroy us; they’ve sold citizenship, they’ve multied, they’ve slandered citizens, they’ve harassed citizens, and they’ve created all around havoc.

But today is a new day. To say the problem is quelled would be both ignorant and wrong, but to say they’ve never been so weak is a definite point. They’re without a top five party for now, and while they will try to create one, their total membership will dip again, and should they succeed in creating a new top five party, we’ll be ready to take it once more. All and all, their ability to wreak their havoc and cause damage has been mitigated, and will continue to be lessened as we rack up victory after victory.

Succeeding, as aforementioned and stated in numerous articles, was not an easy matter. It was the efforts of numerous people all of whom deserve thanks; first and foremost is the top four parties and all the sixth parties for sending their members around to vote where votes were needed; both the USAF and US-Aim also deserve much thanks both from the top at the officer level, to the soldier level, as everyone from both sides coordinated their votes, and worked to ensure that all citizens knew where votes were needed, and ensured they moved to those parties to vote.

Finally, I’d like to thank all of our foreign allies who sent ATO voters including Brazil, Germany, Mexico, France, Bulgaria, Albania, Mexico, and countless others. Your overwhelming support was one of the pivotal factors in this succeeding. (for a far more inclusive and better written thank you, I urge you to read the White House Press Release regarding this topic)

Finally, I’d like to congratulate America for your victory. I say your victory because quite frankly, it was your victory. It for sure wasn’t mine, as I simply happened to be CP when it occurred; and, it wasn’t any one persons’ victory either, as detailed by the thankyous needed to be sent out. This was America’s victory, because for months, you’ve worked together to achieve this goal. You’ve dealt with struggles, fights, everything that could stand in your way, and you’ve reach an outcome that everyone wanted. So, congratulations, you’ve earned it.

I’m now going to speak freely America, so bare with me. We finally had a truly major victory in the ATO front - a victory which will inevitably lead to the final defeat of the AFA and the PTOers. And if you’ve read this far, you know it was because everyone came together.
We all speak about Unity (you know, the one with the capital “u”), countless articles, PMs, and forum posts have been made regarding it. No one in their right mind likes Unity, we simply deal with it, because, for now, it’s for the good. It’s for the good, because it formally helps us overcome our groups, our cliques, our differences; we all do what is best for America, but we’ve separated ourselves in so many ways, we’ve created too much baggage for us to truly just cut the crap, and be unified. So, Unity was adopted to overcome that in the face of the overwhelming odds we were challenged by.

But look what happened this week. We were unified. Not with Unity, not with some flawed system, but simply unified for the sake of services, for the sake of success. We were unified. We were unified. We were unified.

Let that sink in. Reread it. I wrote it three times, maybe read it three times.

Despite all our differences, our cliques, our hatred for others, we were unified. It didn’t happen without work either. It took groups of people communicating endlessly and coordinating nonstop to become unified. And, looking at the results, it was worth it.

We’re all awaiting a time for when Unity can end, and people will say now is the time, simply because they’re sick of it. Well, these people are wrong. Unity can’t end because one group say so. Unity, however, will end, when America is ready. Looking at our unified stance, our unified efforts, I take that as a sign. Unity is ready, or nearly ready to end. I will make no promises, so I’ll say no more other than I’ll be contacting the PPs, because while currently there are Unity reformation plans, perhaps the ultimate reformation for Unity, is simply to stomp it in the nuts.

I’d like to keep this article on all feel-good-happy-fun-time-let’s-party topics, but eRep unfortunately won’t allow for such a great occurrence. Everyone in the eWorld has witnessed TWO’s plan to strike us at our core, and wipe us off the map. I could make jokes about how they needed almost as many NEs as we have regions to accomplish it, I could make jokes about how most of the countries attacking us are but annoying fleas, I could make jokes about how Serbia’s botnets are getting a good workout in this war, but it would simply mask the truth; things re going to get worse before they get better. Victory won’t be an option for a while; mitigating the damage, surviving, outlasting, and finally, rising is our current game plan.

Ensuring we have some semblance of a congress is plan one. To do this, we’re going to need to be unified in our prios. Our allies both in and out of CoT stand ready to help us fight off these invaders, but we must lead the way. To ensure damage is directed properly, I’ll be in regular contact with the commanders of US-AIM and USAF, the DoD Citizen Orders will be updated as per usual, and our CoTD will reflect the key battle when able (note: if key battle is a RW, this won’t be able.) These are all simple things which are done on a daily basis anyways, but in times such as these where damage is even more so important, these simple tasks mean the difference between victory, and defeat.

To the regular soldier, if you’re ever unsure of where to drop damage, and for some terrible reason that would result in several smacks the DoD is out of date, don’t hesitate to go on IRC. All of the popular rooms - such as #us-state #us-aim #fedpartychat #usa and several others - have military commanders and cabinet members idling who will surely be able to assist you in damage direction.

As a final note, I would like to stress that the fight against the PTOers isn’t complete, even for this term. To build on our victory, I encourage all eUS citizens to join the lowest top five party to bolster the numbers so that the PTOers don’t have a top five party for congress, and thus, will have no approvals. Accomplishing this goal will be a monumental blow in the recruitment for the PTOers, and will set them back in an irreparable way.

With that, I have nothing more to say, other than fight hard, fight smart, and swag out America

President of the eUS