[PotUS] Gratitude and Getting Started

Day 1,690, 22:55 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hello America!

First of all, I wish to thank all of my supporters. I’d like to thank the people who helped send out messages, the people who stood by me throughout the election, the folks who contributed to my articles, and especially the people who voted for me. I truly couldn’t had done it without you.

As far as all the alliance stuff goes, I would like to let my Secretary of State (or MoFA for you foreigners) discuss that since he’s been working on this since the middle of last term where as I just started earlier today. He just published an article on it, located here.

While foreign affairs are a huge part of the executive branch, it’s definitely not the only part. In my first day in office I have already begin work on trying to help the USAF improve into becoming a lean mean fighting machine. We’re finishing up on adapting and updating the USAF to more efficiently address the changes presented to us by the change in the military module to becoming based on different divisions. Secretary of Defense, Cerb, and I have been in discussions nearly all day with various people making sure everyone understands each other. The plan is to differentiate the branches by division. Each branch will have a specific division assigned to it. This helps us better organize the branches, and have easier access to getting help in a certain division when necessary. In addition, we have also decided to not make the guidelines as rigid as previously thought. We are making these more like very strongly recommended guidelines rather than strict rules. Current soldiers will be grandfathered into their current branch regardless of their division. Future members will however be highly recommended to move to the branch most appropriate for their divison. If anyone has any questions about this, please PM Cerb or myself so we can address the question rather than let rumors and assumptions roam free.

In addition progress is also being made in other departments such as the Interior department which is eagerly awaiting news from congress in regards to the status of Tank Up 2 Rank Up. The program is currently not funded, however, there is legislation in congress to fix that problem and enable it to continue. The future of the program won’t be certain until congress decides what it wants to do with the budget. However, the DoI is preparing for it as well as all the other programs it is responsible for.

The Department of Education has also been working to ensure that all new players are contacted quickly by their staff in order to provide newfriends with helpful links and information to educate them on what the game is all about and what they are able to do. More news will be forthcoming from the DoE as it moves to update old information and ensure that everything is current and accurate.

There’s more work being done in the background to get everything up to speed and running smoothly. Please subscribe my paper and the White House Press Room where articles will be published out of to inform the eAmerican public about happenings within the country.

Once again, thank you very much America!
