[PiZ] Econ Update Day 1,211 | March 15, 2011

Day 1,211, 07:33 Published in Philippines USA by PigInZen
No Feature Article Today

In anticipation of new additions to the Daily Econ Update I'm moving to a Monday-Wednesday-Friday feature article. Today being Tuesday... well, I know I have a fairly intelligent readership base so you can probably figure this one out on your own.

Quick comments: I have six days of continuous marketplace data now and the jury is in: across the board the market fundamentals are pushing prices down in all segments and categories in the eUSA. The only reason this trend has not followed in the ePH is due to scarcity, driven in large part by opportunist hoarding and attempts to corner market individual market segments. The size and speed of the ePH market will continue to lag that of medium-sized markets until our active population numbers rise.

Economic Writers Group & Economic Summit IRC Channel Formed

In order to better serve those in the eRep population that take great geek pleasure from all things eRep Econ several key dorks have decided to form a Writers Group in which we'll shout and promote other's articles in order to spread our individual readership to new countries and groups. In conjunction with this we've formed a preliminary Global Economics channel in IRC.

The name's weak right now and I suspect will be changing today so look for an update in tomorrow's edition if you're interested in showing off your nerd credentials in IRC.

Articles Worth Reading

Myung Kei's "The Case for Lower Import Taxes"

Hekter's "Do We Need Socialism After All?"

Teucer's "Unified Inventory Pros and Cons"

If you're interested in joining the Economic Discussion drop by our chan in IRC or shoot me a message. Until we meet again tomorrow, stay dirty, piglets.

Current Monetary Market Snapshot

I only have two comments. First, it's great that the Filipino Peso is matched to the US Dollar as this will aid in direct price comparisons as well as reduce gold flight to the USA in search of cheaper products. Just remember to check the US market before pricing your products folks. Second, the spreads are currently obnoxious in the ePH. People aren't going to buy your gold at those prices, kids. Get real.

Current Marketplace Snapshot - High Volume Industries

Prices in the ePH jumped due to categorical declines in the US markets as well as product scarcity in the ePH. Most notable among the ePH high-volume markets affected are Q1 weapons and Q5 foods simply because some asshat somewhere decided to come and snap up our available supply that was competitively priced vis-a-vis corresponding products in the eUSA.

Coming this Friday: increased markets tracking.

Small But Mighty

The ePhilippines can never match the total damage of a large country like the eUSA but rather can exceed her in per capita damage. It's like being Manny Pacquiao to the eUSA's Muhammad Ali. Both kick ass. But Manny Pacquiao is this generation's BAMF. Let's make the ePhilippines this eRep generation's BAMF.