[Party TO] Relax and take a deep breath

Day 969, 07:18 Published in Norway Norway by Freke
It was bound to happen. With a low summertime turnout in the voting, the major parties of Norway are in the hands of people hostile to eNorway and our allies. The parties under control of reliable people seems to be only Fritt Norge, Demokratene and, as their new party president assures us, the Social Democratic Party. And just a week left to the congress elections. It's time to relax.

Oh-a-la-ah-oooogah? RELAX????
Yes, you heard me right. Although the current standings prove that we have acted like ignorant slackers to allow this to happen, I am not concerned. eNorwegians have proven before that when the going gets tough, we unite and do what is needed to correct things. The July 25 congress elections is our next chance to prove that again, and I am confident that we will.

Useful, important - even vital food for your summer slow brain
For those who are still not sure what party presidency involves, read the former Norwegian governments article Party Presidency for Dummies.
If you are still not sure why it is important to have safe and reliable people in congress, read the former Norwegian government's article Congress for Dummies.
After reading these two articles, you should know that party presidents do indeed have some powers regarding congress and presidential elections.

How do we deal with this situation?
Simple. All it takes is a tiny effort from every loyal eNorwegian up to and during the elections. Well, it takes a bit of brains too, but I hear rumours that a few of you are in posession of that. I promise, using your brain a little doesn't hurt too much. If we cooperate, we can rid the Norwegian congress of all PTOers in the next elections. Then we can move on to make sure that we will not have another hostile president in the August 5 elections.

I no longer wish to live in a country where every single election is a fight against PTOers. In the near future, I will submit my suggestions on how to deal with the next elections to the current congress and government, and hopefully they will support the proposed course of action. I am confident that all loyal eNorwegians will rise to the occasion and convince me that this is a country still worth fighting for. Until further notice, just relax and take a deep breath.

Former president of eNorway, former party president of Teknokratene,
currently Teknokratene member in exile as party president of the Fritt Norge party.