[Pacifica] Five Nations, One Star

Day 2,581, 11:33 Published in USA USA by Pacifica HQ

Today Pacifica has welcomed its newest partner state eFinland! In case you didn’t know, this country is stacked...literally. It is pretty much at the tippy top of the eWorld. As an underrated force of power, they have gradually immersed themselves into a niche that caters specifically to any great Alliance’s needs: near global coverage.

Finland joins Taiwan (RoC), Latvia, USA and Russia. The country was very much welcomed with open arms. We had a chance to speak with one of Finland’s two Ministers of Foreign Affairs to see what they thought about the alliance matchup. TheJuliusCaesar had a chance to let us know how excited they were about the unification.

Kiira Korpi was elated at the news of Finland’s induction to Pacifica!

We found Pacifica the best choice for us due the regional aspect of the alliance - both Latvia and Russia are geographically nearby, which makes cooperation easier. In addition to that, we've had generally good relations with every Pacifica member nation. Also, Finland sought for a more active alliance than what Asgard had deteriorated to during last six months or so.

When we discussed what Finland’s immediate plans would be he was able to tell us that Finland has an open war against Estonia. Poland has been extremely busy lately - and most likely will be for a long time - our southern neighbors won't get as much support as they've received in the past. Therefore Finland will fight against Estonia in near future - in addition to helping other Pacifica members and other friends in the battlefield.

The Finnish Flash approves of this Alliance

I'd like to express our joy on behalf of whole Finland for the US and Pacifica. It's good to be here. - TheJuliusCaesar

Recently, some statistics were shared about alliances around the world. Every country in the Pacifica alliance were highly ranked versus other alliances. Russia is still holding its regions and continuation with Iran on land swaps, RoC will be securing the majority of the Pacific Ocean as USA pursues its new war against Spain, and Latvia will continue to crush its Belarusian enemies. We are proud of our accomplishments and on behalf of the alliance leadership we are excited about our Finnish brothers and sisters now joining our ranks.