[NNA] Twenty-sixth of June : A week in Argentina...

Day 2,775, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

They say every cloud has a silver lining...So here we are.
We'll be honest with you, it was looking like a slow news week, people seem to loose their motivation to write when the country vanishes.

It was looking bleak until one man provided us with another barrage of news but more on that later.

Before you moan we've not included any articles about proposed congress candidates 'cos that's not very interesting.


To begin we have a special midweek edition of the Ginger perverts magazine. It may not win a writers prize but a lot of folks seem to like the content so there we are.

There were congress elections yesterday - OR WERE THERE?! Mike explains all and mentions someone who might have helped flesh this edition out a little...

Now it's time for him....

Our first tribute article...

Jake got hot under the collar about the gentleman above and others. It's worth a read but we here at the NNA feel the subject matter is not worth getting so worked up. Don't feed the trolls.

We then had an article detailing a discussion held between CC and King William. The conversation does not make for comfortable reading. William has claimed he ha s been misrepresented so we'll leave you to decide.

Panonian Pansonian Mr Nomad also released an article this week about King William not understanding the current game mechanics. King William thanked Mr Nomad for helping him flush out his thighs in the comments section.


On a lighter note there's some Rock Scissor Chainsaw tournament going on via the IRC tonight - read that article by your man Mr Immanuel Kant if you want more info.

This weeks victim interviewee was one Jake Lee Blakeway...

NNA: How would you improve the media module?

JLB: I think the ability to add more media types and formatting. Rather than relying on bb code it would be nice to use fully fledged HTML, that way people like me who can code can make some awesome interactive articles. I also think that adding a video embedder and making sure that links actually lead to where they need to go is a must.

NNA: Who is your favourite Argentinian?

JLB: Do I have to answer that?

NNA: Yes, we're trying to appeal to our new Argentine audience

JLB: I haven't been here longer enough sadly to meet any of them. After reading their articles they seem to be self-obsessed and selfish. No one should wipe out a country entirely. Thanks to the wipe there are players who have been locked out of half the game. That's just my opinion though.

NNA: What advice would you give to someone wanting to write an interesting article?

JLB: Writing an interesting article is a challenge. Trust me, I seem to have failed on quite a few occasions here. I would say, try to be impartial if you can, though that can be tricky. Also try to pick a relevant topic that tries to engage the audience, gets people talking on comments. I still haven't achieved the 25 different commenters on a article yet... Reminds me to write a article this weekend.

I think in all seriousness, the key to an interesting article is to enjoy doing it. Don't spew out rubbish for the sake of it. I haven't posted this week simply because my heart isn't in it (And my health but y'know). If you aren't passionate about what you write, how can you expect anyone to be passionate about reading it.

NNA: And finally that one we always ask, who should be our next victim?

JLB: This is a tough one. But for the sake of being evil, I choose King William. Only because either 1) he wont answer your questions or 2) he will spout out some hilarious paragraphs to read and I could use cheering up.

Well there we are King William, you're next and if you don't reply we have a very suave, sophisticated and all round talented citizen on standby just in case...

One writer has excelled this week with two really interesting interviews...

Mr Nomad gets all our endorsement money from the last article. We enjoyed both interviews and look forward to many more to come.

If you want us to consider an article you've seen or written drop us a line. If you don't suggest it and we don't include it then you forfeit the right to complain.

Bye for now,