Myopia Observer 第三十三期:第二届eRepublik国际聚会的相关信息

Day 1,540, 18:58 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Myopia Observer-远见观察

全文翻译自E克罗地亚期刊Separate Realities文章《The Second International eRepublik Meeting - 2012 Poll results
并参考E波兰期刊The voice of the Enemy文章[EN/PL/HU] The Second International eRepublik Meeting 2012 - The Poll results
Since the last article, numerous citizens asked for certain cities to be the next hosts of the next International eRepublik Meeting - Edition 2. Cities ranging from Athens to Krakow, from Bucharest to Berlin or Rome were proposed. It seems that many citizens would want the next meeting to be held in their area or beyond, proving that the first one was a real success.

⇛ From the start we have to set some ground rules ⇚

The form is still open until the last days of March when the exact location and date will be set. The location of the next meeting has to be easily accessible by road/train/flight for as many eRep countries as possible. We don’t want a “national” meeting but an “international” one. Also a big bonus would get the cities/resorts that have at least one local citizen to actually help in hosting and organising the meeting.

For any volunteers who want the meeting to be held in their city/resorts we need prices for the local accommodations, flight schedules and flightprices, train schedules, highway toll prices, local pub/restaurant that can accommodate up to 150 people, local fairs and festivals, the available local entertainment, any mountain/beach resorts close to the specific location and the list goes on BUT also any cons (negative things) that could limit the fun or attendance to the meeting. Don’t forget about beer and other alcoholic beverage prices!

Example : LadyArgana offered to help with the hosting and organising and in the near future we’ll have all the available data on Thessaloniki as the next eRepublik meet’s location. is has an international airport, it has got highway access, it’s reachable for Turks, Bulgarians, Serbians, Romanians, etc. This is a big plus for Thessaloniki, Greece.

So get rid of your epic laziness and start gathering info if you want YOUR chosen city/resort to be the host of the next meeting. Almost any major city or resort can have a chance at it.

|||The date|||

Some key facts for the setting the date.

The UEFA EURO 2012 football championship will start on the 8th of June and will be over on the 1st of July and will be held in Ukraine and Poland.
The Ramadan will start on the 19th of July and will last until the 18th of August.
The Ramadan will start on the 19th of July and will last until the 18th of August.

The Poll results for the date in number of respondees

In conclusion the best possible date would be somewhere between 2nd and 18th of July. The duration (number of days) will depend on the location. For cities a maximum of 3 to 4 days and for summer resorts by the sea I think we can all agree on the fact that 1 week might be not enough. Also it would be interesting to hold it in a mountain resorts.

|||The location|||

List of Country - cities that were proposed :
■ Albania - Tirana
■ Austria - Wien
■ Bulgaria - Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna
■ Croatia - Zagreb, Split, Zadar
■ Czech Republic - Prague
■ France - Paris
■ Germany - Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich
■ Greece - Athens, Thessaloniki
■ Italy - Florence, Rome
■ The Netherlands - Amsterdam
■ Poland - Cracow, Warsaw or any other city that hosts the European Championship
■ Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Skopje
■ Romania - Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Timisoara
■ Serbia - Beograd
■ Slovakia - Bratislava
■ Slovenia - Ljubljana
■ Spain - Barcelona
■ Turkey - Istanbul
■ United Kingdom - London
■ Ukraine - any city that hosts the European Championship
We had numerous demands on holding the meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia.

■阿尔巴尼亚 - 地拉那
■奥地利 - 维也纳
■保加利亚 - 索非亚,普罗夫迪夫,瓦尔纳
■克罗地亚 - 萨格勒布,斯普利特,扎达尔
■捷克共和国 - 布拉格
■法国 - 巴黎
■德国 - 柏林,法兰克福,慕尼黑
■希腊 - 雅典,塞萨洛尼基
■意大利 - 佛罗伦萨,罗马
■荷兰 - 阿姆斯特丹
■波兰 - 克拉科夫,华沙,或其他欧洲足球锦标赛举办城市
■马其顿共和国(FYROM) - 斯科普里
■罗马尼亚 - 布加勒斯特,克卢日纳波卡,蒂米什瓦拉
■塞尔维亚 - 贝尔格莱德
■斯洛伐克 - 布拉迪斯拉发
■斯洛文尼亚 - 卢布尔雅那
■西班牙 - 巴塞罗那
■土耳其 - 伊斯坦布尔
■英国 - 伦敦
■乌克兰 - 任何欧洲足球锦标赛举办城市

Resorts that were proposed :
1. Mountain resorts
■ Austria - Innsbruck, Salzburg area
■ Bulgaria - Bansko
■ Romania - Poiana Brasov

2. Sea resorts
■ Croatia - Dubrovnik
■ Greece - Thessaloniki area
■ Romania - Constanta


■奥地利 - 因斯布鲁克,萨尔茨堡地区
■保加利亚 - 斯科
■罗马尼亚 - 波亚纳布拉 布拉索夫

■克罗地亚 - 杜布罗夫尼克
■希腊 - 塞萨洛尼基地区
■罗马尼亚 - 康斯坦察

The lists are still open for another month or so, right up until the last days of March.

|||The Poll results|||

For all of those who already completed the form, thank you!

I made the decision to set the spreadsheet with the Poll results viewable to the general public. I hope that you’ll take a good look at it right here

|||Last article - The First International eRepublik meeting + Poll form|||


Possible locations so far

1. Tirana
1 地拉那

PS. Anyone is welcome to #bpmeeting channel, Rizon server to express their feedback.
另:欢迎光临IRC频道 Rizon服务器 #bpmeeting频道表达反馈意见

I need this article translated and published in other eRepublik countries as well in the local languages. I accept any help on this matter.
我需要本文翻译成erepublik 各国语言版本,愿对此提供任何帮助

罗马尼亚语版本:⌾ Romanian version
波兰语和匈牙利语版本⌾ Polish&Hungarian version
德语版本⌾ German version
中文版本⌾ Chinese version

With love and much appreciation,


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这是一个组织严密的群体,这是一个以民族平等和解放为奋斗目标的群体,这是一个认真对 待国事的群体,这是一个有着完善福利体系的群体!
加入Saturn Community,为了国家的未来让我们共同努力!

土星共同体青年团新人招募中,土星共同体青年团是土星共同体下属的武装力量之一,是光荣的PLA(Planet Liberation Army,行星解放军)和SDF(Saturn Defense Force,土星防御力量)的后备力量。详情请点击此处


Saturn Community欢迎你~

【党报】土星人民 【SDF骑兵部队队报】 【熊猫号角】 【赤色堡垒】 【远见观察】

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[党务]Saturn Community土星共同体第N次党员代表大会最高旨意公告
[EN/CN] NiP Part 1. - Overview of military units.
[EN/CN] NiP Part 2. - Overview of military units.
熊猫号角特刊: PLA外籍战士访谈录(一)
熊猫号角特刊: PLA外籍战士访谈录(二)
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