[My Thoughts] It's time we had some answers.

Day 2,157, 01:56 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX

Ladies and Gentlemen! I am so pleased to announce the return of my old article series, My Thoughts. For my new readers, what I will do in this series is propose to you as the title suggests, my thoughts on various topic and going on's in the eWorld, and eAustralia. So thanks for reading and let's get started!

Now that I've lured you in with that adorable picture, I will move onto what I really want to say.

My Argument:

These past few weeks of Mick Gatto's term have been excellent. We won back eAustralia, we've re-invaded eIndonesia and we've had great support from the beginning. But I am beginning to see the tell tale signs of a government thinking itself too good to be held accountable and that it can forgo its duties to the people and the responsibility of office.

Let me be clear here, that eAustralia is nation that has had it's fair share of shit fights but when the Prime Minister not only stoops to this level, but leads the charge one cannot help but stop and wonder, what is going on?

The Evidence:

This whole affair was kicked off with this article: An example why politics needs to get read. This article was appalling to say the least. For the Prime Minister to use his influence to crush down a member of our community is just disgraceful. Argi may be non-Australian, he might be a friend of Binda, but does that mean we can attack him and not give him a fair go at being Prime Minister? WHY do we not give Argi a chance to prove himself? We all make mistakes, and hell if people didn't get over them I'd never have been Prime Minister, and I damn well that Mick Gatto would not be either.

Furthermore, when I saw the Minister for Defence, Pat McCrutch comment in disagreement with the Prime Minister, his 'resignation' that followed seemed all too convenient. Rather I propose that the Prime Minister forced the Minister to step down. This behaviour is just appalling. Pat was and has been always a valid member of this country and his job as Minister of Defence, in the brief time he held it, was outstanding. As an MU-Commander I can vouch for this.

Then, the Prime Minister continues his poor level of judgment and writes this article: the ARP/ALF split leaves many questions. Again, this article devalues a member of our community, Fidel Castro Died. Rather than calling him out as a foreigner who has claimed the party leadership and setting out to vilify him, he should have made personal contact with the man and found out for himself. Now everyone will know him as the guy who stole ARP because the PM said so. Disgusting. In conjunction with his attack on Fidel, my newly found party the ALF was also attacked.

Stating "I realise Flatty is on a personal mission off in the garden and kudos to him. The ALF sounds fun but it also reads like a missile with the guidance system taken off and could blow any which way but at least it's active for now.. the KHMC are still floating aimlessly.." Well well.. another low level attack from the Prime Minister. The ALF is a strong organisation with a strong future because it has good members. Unless you are inside the party then I suggest you keep quiet.

The next example of the Prime Minister's devaluing of his office, is the attack against Binda33. I will admit I am no fan of Binda's, but it is everyone's right to express dissatisfaction and I will not condone Binda's actions, but what I know is that the Prime Minister's attacks were simply appalling. Again WHY is the PM stooping to such a poor and low level? In the comments of this article: Mick Gatto is a liar. You can read for yourself, but I think it's clear enough. The PM should be beyond reproach, but this is simply not the case.

Other Examples of Governorship:

So not only have we see the Prime Minister stoop to a level unprecedentedly low since Discrate, but we can see the failures of this government have also come to light. We have had many successes and I fear they have overshadowed the things that have been missed. The Government must be answerable, and just because we got a few regions doesn't mean the job can be ignored nor the questions unanswered.

Firstly, let me draw to light the Government's budget. We've seen huge SPENDING over the last week, with MU's getting supplies, many Combat Orders and signing of a relatively large MPP stack... And yet we have not seen a budget. As Venja pointed out, it has not been released... So I ask the Prime Minister, what have you got to hide? Are you sending us broke and now too scared to admit it? If you ask me this spending has been increasingly irresponsible.

Furthering this failure of Government, I noticed not only had Pat been fired, but Saiwun too. So far the PM has dismissed more than 50% of his Defence Department. Well let me show you something here. In doing this Mick he has doomed himself.

Since Pat's firing, our strategy has gone to shit.

1. We attacked Malaku Islands for the Fish I assume.
2. Poland attacked Papua (THEIR ONLY BORDER REGION!!)
3. We attack LSI (again, a fish region...)
4. Poland attack no where because they are cut off by us
5. We attack Kalimantan...

So our only chance at suppressing Indonesia is cut off by... Us? I assume Poland are pissed because there goes their NE battles they wanted. I am deeply concerned that the Government failed to coordinate and I also deeply concerned that the strategy of the government is not even thought out. Every government has attacked LSI when they have the chance... Why? Because it's Fish (which we don't have) and it doesn't block anyone! I feel like Poland is angry and to be honest, it's not a country we want against us. We want them with us. They try to help, we stuff up.



So eAustralia I put this to you... Is this the style of Government you want? One that is too busy on its highs that is completely neglecting its lows? We must remember to keep our government accountable and let's not ride the wave of Victory to our Ends.

Now for anyone that wants to say why do I hate eAustralia or why do I hate the government etc etc. Let me point out that I have won the last Campaign Hero in the battle for LSI, I have won many BH's and I have pushed harder than most in this campaign. Also I do not hate the government, I appreciate their jobs are tough, but we cannot let it continue on a path like this. Democracy FTW.

Please consider joining the Australian Liberation Front if you want to fight for Australia and the suppression of Indonesia!

Apply to the Party and the affiliated Military Unit

Supreme Commander