[MoPR] Fighting Guide

Day 921, 10:15 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
The daily routine for an eRepublikan is work - train - fight. Some days, however, there are no battles to fight in - some days there are several. Make sure you keep updated on where your damage counts.

Politics and alliances
Just a quick background on who of our neighbours are our friends and who are our enemies. Finland and Sweden are our allies and a part of the EDEN brotherhood, just like us. So when Sweden recently attacked Ostlandet and we immediately surrendered it, it was a swap of regions between friends. Denmark has for a long time been politically controlled by serbian players, so even if a part of original Danish regions are occupied by Sweden and Norway, we are not really in war with the Danish people. We hope that eDenmark will be controlled by real Danes in the not so distant future. Russia and UK are our enemies. They are both part of the other large eRepublik alliance, Phoenix.

Choosing your battles
Subscribe to Forsvarsnytt and check out if there are orders there about which fight is given priority. Even if you have low strength and few/no weapons, the damage you deal always counts. Even huge battles in this game have been decided with minimal difference in damage points. So when your Minister of Defense (MoD) tells you to fight in a particular battle, please let that be your field of war. Read more below for a brief explanation on how eRepublik battles work.


Fighting in a battle serves two purposes. Your military strength increases, and you deal an amount of damage points for your side in the battle. The basic damage is the same as your strength. Then the final damage is calculated based upon your wellness, if you have weapons and what quality they are and your rank.
You will loose 10 wellness points for each fight, and gain 2 experience points. You can find the damage formula in the eRepublik wiki.

Up to 50 of the wellness points lost in battles can be healed if you live in a region with a 5-stars (Q5) hospital. If you participate in available battles on a regular basis, you should be living in Vestlandet, Trondelag or Svalbard & Jan Mayen. These are the three Norwegian regions with hospitals at the moment. You will need moving tickets to change your location. These can be purchased in the marketplace, or you can contact Immigrasjonsverket to get one for free if you are a fairly new citizen.
You can only use the hospital once per day, even if you heal less than 50 wellness points. You can only heal the wellness points lost in battles. For vital information about the concept of wellness, read this article in Immigrasjonsbladet.

Wars and battles
I will not go too far into the war mechanics in this article. This is probably what you need to know as a basis. There are two types of wars in eRepublik: Conquest War and Resistance War.

Conquest war
Whenever a country declares war by attacking a region held by another country, it is a conquest war. If the country attacked have signed alliances (MPPs) with other countries, these will be activated so that all the allies can fight against the attacker.

Resistance war
If a region which originally belongs to one country is occupied by another country, anyone located in that region can launch a resistance war by paying the amount of gold needed. Anyone located in that region and citizens of the country who holds it, can choose to fight for the resistance (attack - red button) or for the occupant (defense - green button). If the resistance wins, the region ownership goes to the original country.

War example
eNorway has conquered Nordjylland, which originally is a Danish region. eUK attacks us in Nordjylland. If they win, Nordjylland will become a part of United Kingdom. If someone living in Nordjylland launches a resistance war and the attacker side gets most damage points, Nordjylland will become a part of eDenmark again.

Finally, I just want to mention the concept of tanking. Most of us will fight 5 times, in other words loose 50 wellness points, and then go to the hospital to heal. Those who have gold, however, can purchase wellness boxes (W😎 for 2 gold a piece. Each wellness box gives you 10 wellness points. If you have access to a lot of gold, you can deal a considerable amount of extra damage in a battle by compensating each loss of wellness (10 points per fight, remember?) with a WB. However, the number of wellness boxes you can purchase each day is limited. This concept is referred to as "tanking" and is normally utilised by very strong players who can deliver a huge total damage contribution towards an opponent. Performing tanking with low strength is a waste of gold.
