[MOMC] Green Signal to National defence Act 2011 By AHF and Marcos!!!

Day 1,485, 20:43 Published in India India by Hamster24

Helloo Everyone
as the journalist for National News Networks under MOMC Guidance i had the pleasure to visit the AHF Headquaters to meet Their commander Navincharles
to get their "official" opinions on the National defence Act 2011 (NDA) (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/indian-armed-forces-reviewing-our-forces-1922985/1/20) and some other burning issues too.

[Mutually agreed by AHF,MArcos and National News Networks the new dispatch scheme will be called NDA 2011 Do you Agree?]

Here's what they have to say about the current issues

How efficient do you think is the National defence Act 2011 (NDA)?

Nice Fancy name - "National Defense Act 2011"
-To be honest it is just a reform. The whole idea is to collect the entire database of soldiers with information such as name, link, strength etc. in a way to understand the range of soldiers we have. By doing so, we can have a system for national dispatch and at the same time if this is followed throughout there wont be a need for one more reform at all.

What will you prefer for citizens below 1000 strn 600 wellnes/3 Q 5 weps? as it is the biggest debate about NDA.

For less than 1k Str - I am not the right person to answer. The MoD has planned the dispatch structure keeping in mind some variables such as the no. of citizens that needs dispatch + the amount of food, weapons needed for dispatch. I am sure he will definitely come up with the right number. The whole idea is to make everyone supplied and this can in turn come handy in making them active.

Will the AHF still continue its Personal dispatch even after the NDA 2011 is completely implemented?

Yes AHF will still continue the internal dispatch.

How Do you look At the CP Term OF Hemanthan Kumar till date?

Hemanathan Kumar is a very capable person for being a CP. His ideas, understanding about politics are quite helpful to the cabinet. He is a matured, calm person and can withstand quite some pressure.[looks like Hemanathan Kumar has full IU support and impeachment can pass against him]

Do you support the de regulation of Indian Armed Forces i.e. End of separate Govt. Help to IAF after NDA 2011?
I support the Defense as what it is now. If the govt needs only IAF army then let them support only them. But if they consider and need everyone equally, let them treat everyone equally. In short the government cannot be impartial.

What do you want to say about current situation of NE?

For a country like us to grow, bring in some interest, we need NE. I am sure the CP, MoD are assessing possible ways, methods to have NE against some country and to take us in the right path.

AT last any Good luck to National News Networks?
Hamster24, All the very best buddy. You are a growing cub. I could not sit and watch you ask for that 1 gold to start the paper. From your end, what I would expect is regular articles in the newspaper to keep the media section active.

We also tried to contact "Marcos commander" Bharti Mohan Telephonically to know their opinion about These question

How efficient do you think is the National defence Act 2011 (NDA)?
The NDA 2011 (have no qualms in calling it that way) is in my opinion a good initiative. Most of our folks are doing 25kill/day and shut shop for the day, and to make them do another 25 kill is what India needs...We do ~20Mn in a day and if we get 30-40% more influence coz of this, we can deem it to serve the purpose.
As long as the dispatches are transparent, fair and within budgetary limits, I support the NDA

What will you prefer for citizens below 1000 strn 600 wellnes/3 Q 5 weps
I am of the opinion of giving only food to the Newbies i.e. below 1K strn citizen

Will the Marcos still continue its Personal dispatch even after the NDA 2011 is completely implemented?

{oops!!!! the telephone disconnected seems like their is no network in battlefield where marcos is deployed looks like have to catch mohan later..}

So At the end of conservation with two big guns of eindia it's clear that Govt will not have any opposition regarding the National Defence Act 2011
So Good Bye Everyone
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Good BYE!!!
National News Networks

Under MOMC

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Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.
- Swami Vivekananda

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