[MoHA] Survey Results

Day 2,093, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello, Recently I asked people to do a quick survey. I would like to say thank you to the 52 people that did the survey.

If you didn't get the survey then I do apologies.

The first question I asked was Do you think that it is a good idea to have one national MU?

Yes: 22
No: 18
Unsure: 11

The second question I asked was Do you think that the least experience people in eUK are getting the support they need?

Yes: 22
No: 17
Unsure: 13

I also asked, if no what can we do to help them. I had 11 responses and here are 2 responses that people said.

1. More educational, clear guides - More weapons need to be given out. The old Call of Arms scheme was good, or NHS could give them out. - Less bribery from parties to let new players make there decisions

2. NHS needs to work well and the population needs to be told what is being done and who is being helped. I don't want to support something I can't see.

The Third question was, are you happy to be part of the TWO alliance?

Yes: 44
No: 6

There is no surprise that 88% said yes so this shows how supportive the eUK is towards TWO.

The fourth question was, Do you enjoy being in the eUK?

Love it: 18
It's OK : 30
Not that great: 2
Hate it: 2

The final question was for fun and this question was if you had to pick one superpower what superpower would you like to have?

Invisibility: 6 ~ 16.67%
Healing: 6 ~ 16.67%
Time Travel: 10 ~ 27.78%
Superhuman Intelligence: 4 ~ 11.11%
Mind Control: 7 ~ 19.44%
Flying: 3 ~ 8.33%

I also gave people the chance to suggest their own powers and here is what some people said.
• Steal other people’s powers 🙂
• make or repair any machine in existence
• Ability to iron clothes with my bare hands.
• Ability to turn water into whiskey
• Ability to shut up big ant

Thanks for reading

Minister of Home Affairs

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