[MoHA] Meet the MoFA!

Day 2,022, 11:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Meet the MoFA!

This ‘Meet the..’ article is a interview with the current MoFA,Kapten Johnson.Who became MoFA around half way through this term,due to alterations in the cabinet.I’d like to thank Kapten Johnson for giving me a chance to interview him.

Read and enjoy!

What are your memories of being a new player in eRepublik?

Hmm.. It was quite some time ago I was really a new player, and as I've been off and on for a couple of times I don't really remember that well, but I do remember that I was welcomed with open arms from the Party I was in back then (though I can't remember what party that was)and yeah, I believe I had a good first experience in the game 🙂

How did you first get into government?

Back in December 2012, when I was more involved with The Legion than anything else, I decided to apply for Deputy MoD, and I got accepted. After that I had a little break due to school and moving half way around the globe.. I got back into Erep about two months ago and got into congress and became an Ambassador, and the work I did there, I think, was very appreciated. During that period I started talking more and more with Mittekemuis, and she unofficially became my mentor and actually told me to apply for Minister of Foreign Affairs this month. I didn't really feel I would be ready for that so I only applied for Deputy, which I became and after a couple of weeks in Thomas765 decided to resign as he didn't have enough time on his hands, and therefore ACroc promoted me to Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Would you say that Foreign Affairs is a difficult government role,or is it something that gets easier with experience?

Well, I wouldn't say it's difficult as long as you keep up with current events and have a good team that helps out! As for the experience, I'm not sure.. I haven't had enough experience to notice it yet, but I do believe it will yes!

What has been the best part of the job for you so far?

I'd say the best part would be just getting this opportunity, but also meeting new people!

Any advice to people who aspire to get into government and more specifically foreign affairs?

Well, I would say show yourself worthy of such a position by helping out and climbing the ladder of any Ministry. Also being active both on IRC and on our beloved forums! Talking to the right people shall not be forgotten and ask and listen to them.

Anything you'd like to conclude with?

I believe that Foreign Affairs is the best part of this game and I'd recommend everyone to atleast try out being an Ambassador a month or two and find the meaning of Erep! 😉

I hope you all enjoyed that interview! 🙂

Thanks For Reading!
-FightAndProduce (MoHA)

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