[MoHA] - Day 2,086 - Day 2,091 Review

Day 2,091, 04:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

MoHA Update

Since I introduced to your MoHA team, we've been busy producing articles to inform and entertain you. So if you've not found them all or didn't have a chance to read them during the week here is a summary of the past 6 days of articles from the MoHA.

Our Minister responsible for New Citizen Guides nathaner released an excellent guide to the IRC.

Internet Relay Chat

Our Ministers responsible for Interviews FightAndProduce published an interview with ex-CP and current Minister of Defence Richard Feist.

The MoD's new banner

Our Minister responsible for Citizenship Analysis Guides Grigor09 indentified the eUK's hardest workers and biggest media moguls per region for an article.

Which citizens have the most of these in the eUK?

Grigor09 also wrote a special article regarding the ongoing national shield competition.

The competition continues...

Our Minister responsible for Historical Guides Robalbinio has stated his series looking into the eUK's long and proud military history.

What is the history behind this badge...

Remember if you have an idea for a different topic get in touch!

Meet the eUK
Finally I'd like to continue getting us to know us all better so here is another quick interview for any eUK citizens to answer in the comments.

Which county/region/country do you wish was here in the 'new world'?

If you had a song linked to start each time you entered your battlefield 'screen/hub/display', what would it be?

Which three citizens of the new world would you like to try survive a 'zombie apocalypse' with and why?

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Minister of Home Affairs

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