[MoHA] Acronyms and Abbreviations

Day 1,972, 13:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

What does that mean? - The Acronyms and Abbreviations of eRepublik

In eRepublik, there are quite a few acronyms as a new player. It may seem confusing to see them being used, so hopefully by the end of this article you’ll know your PTO’s from your ATO’s. Your BH’s from your CH’s.


MU - Military Unit
RW - Resistance War - A war initiated by citizens in an occupied region.
DO - Daily Order - Orders on which battles to fight in each day, set by the Military Unit.
BH - Battle Hero - The person who does the most damage in a mini-battle.
CH - Campaign Hero - The person who does the most damage over an entire battle.
SS - Super Soldier - Gaining 250 strength.
TP - True Patriot - Dealing a lot of damage for your country.


CP - Country President - The leader of a country.
PP - Party President - The leader of a party.
vPP - Vice Party President - The co-leader of a party.
PTO - Political Takeover - Using the PP elections as a way to get a outsider from another party into power. (PTO’s can also be electing a CP or Congress from an enemy nation)
ATO - Anti Takeover - To stop a PTO
MoHA - Ministry Of Home Affairs
MoFA - Ministry Of Foreign Affairs
MoD - Ministry Of Defence
MoF - Ministry Of Finance
MoH - Ministry Of Health
MoE - Ministry Of Education
MoR - Ministry Of Retention
MoLA - Ministry Of Legislative Affairs

*If there is a “d” before any of the Minister positions, it means deputy!

SG - Secretary General
SC - Supreme Commander
SoFA - Secretary of Foreign Affairs


FP - Forfeit Points - Points which can be given if eRepublik rules are broken.
MM - Monetary Market (Can also mean Media Mogul)
HW - Hard Worker - 30 days of working (Either producing your own resources or working as an employee)
BB - Baby boom - A spike in the population of a country, caused by off site recruitment.
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact - An alliance between two countries.
NAP - Non Aggression Pact - An agreement of no fighting between two countries.
NE - Natural Enemy - Gives a country 10% more influence against another country.
TWO - The World is Ours - Alliance that the UK is a founding member of.
EDEN - eRepublik Defence and Economic Network - A hostile alliance to TWO
CoT - Circle of Trust
CS - Citizenship - Your country
CC - Country Currency - GBP for eUK


\o/ - a cheering person
o/ - a waving person, or high five
o7 - Salute
Multi - Owning more than one account.
Snipe - When a Battle Hero is stolen in the closing minutes.
2 clicker - Someone who just works and trains, and doesn’t get involved in the game.
Tank - A very hard hitter.

Hopefully you have learned all the acronyms/abbreviations you need to play eRepublik.There’s many in the game. But don’t worry. You’ll get used to them in time!

Thanks for reading!

-FightAndProduce (dMoHA)
-The Messiah Brian Cohen (dMoHA)

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