[MoFA] Day 2079 Update

Day 2,079, 00:43 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office


Welcome to the latest updates from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Today we will be looking at several major events that have occurred throughout the eworld over the last week. It is I, Bohemond4 your lovely PM, taking over from Thomas765 on the article writing while he deals with some Real Life.

Chile, Bulgaria and South America

Chile recently launched an Airstrike upon Romania with the sole intent of liberating Bulgarian regions in order for them to have congress and to escape the wipe they are currently under. This Airstrike ended with the final removal of Chile from Europe by Greece but they achieved the intended effect by allowing Bulgaria to Airstrike Bolivia.

With both a congress and a passed law Bulgaria struck into Bolivia taking their three regions and entering another player into the South American warzone.

The Position on 28th July 2013

However, our allies Argentina have wasted no time in wiping Chile while they were overseas and launching a counterattack with Colombia, Uruguay and South Africa striking into Brazil while Argentina removes Bulgaria. It is also important to not forget Bolivia at this point who are currently occupied but are working free from Bulgarian occupation. As I write this, Bulgaria has been reduced to ONE region which is currently under Argentinian attack. Expect to see Bulgaria removed from South America by the end of today.

The Situation earlier today, notice the Colombian invasion of Brazil

In true Boh style I will suggest what this indicates for South America. In short not much will change other than no Bulgaria and the war will continue much as it did before. However, fundamentally this has now completely wasted two Airstrikes and removes a powerful foe who could strike a blow against Argentina before they become entrenched.


Our long term friends and allies, Serbia have taken a beating by their enemies over the last week being reduced to their final core regions. Serbia has only just started to turn around battles in their favour but they are not alone.

Serbia on Day 2079

Notice the lighter pink where Albania is? Well, that is Belarus who launched an Airstrike on Albania in order to assist Serbia. This nation is a member of ACT who have now launched their second Airstrike, the first being launched against Norway earlier this month. The success of Belarus is mirrored by Montenegro who have pushed against Bosnia and Herzegovina relieving the pressure on Serbia to a point where they can focus on one enemy: Croatia. And we can predict how well Serbia does one-to-one.


I think we should take a moment to note the increasing use of Airstrikes, notably the number launched in the past 8 days: Chile, UK, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Belarus and Bulgaria. Macedonia had one ready but this Airstrike failed before it was launched due to failing to win free. Thats 7 in a week.

The strategy of Airstrikes is one where we can launch attacks across the globe at any enemy we wish to hit. Where we can bring power to bear for a short, or long term, extent. Yes, they might be expensive, but as Belarus has shown and as Bulgaria aimed to show, they can tip the balance of power in a region for long enough to win a vital conflict.

Like them or hate them, they must always be factored in to an alliance's plans for as long as we can use them.

Prime Minister of the eUK