[MoFA Ambassador] Questions and stuff with DMV3 (CP of Canaderp)

Day 2,413, 14:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VaultGuy

Hello! This article was written and sent to the AW in the MoFA department a few days ago now, and after a few requests, it still wasn't published. So I have decided to take publishing into my own hands and released it on the best newspaper there is.

Also I don't know where to find the MoFA banner links and stuff and I am too lazy to ask and wait for an answer, so I made one just for this occasion.

eCanada. Some people hate it, some love it. But whatever you think of them, today I present you with an interview with the eCanadian Country President, DVM3. I would just like to start by thanking Mr DVM3 for taking time out from watching hockey and eating maple syrup to answer questions.

This is how the interview went down.

So I'll start with the generic interview question; Tell us about yourself.

Mr CP of eCanada:
I'm CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada. I have named myself dictator for life of the eCanadian Reich and only my approved candidates for CP shall be elected.

Why did eCanada attack the eUK?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
We attacked the eUK because eCanada needed a weak nation to steal taxes and resources from.

(At least he's honest.)

Why does eCanada seem to love to war so much?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
What else is there to do in this shitty game?

(Canada at war.)

How does it feel to run eCanada?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
It's pretty amazing actually, I look forward to ruling eCanada for a long time through my puppets.

(I think BigAnt and Mr DMV3 would make good friends...)

What is the community in eCanada like?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
It's a lot of fun, I came here from the eUS and I love it. Decent people, better trolls. I would encourage all eUK citizens to join the Reich so that they too might enjoy greatness.

Canadians are well known for their "sorry's". But will the eUK receive a sorry from you for attacking us?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
Fuck no! If they're lucky we won't keep them wiped for the next year.

(You can tell he was originally from the eUS, otherwise we'd be bombarded with sorry's)

Given the current situation, a few eUK members have moved over to eCanada to enjoy a new eLife. What do you think of this? Do you welcome eUK players to join you, or would you rather they just went away?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
As I have said they are free to join us and experience what it's like not to suck.

Would you like to ask me any Questions? If so, what are those questions?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:

Bonus question; what is your favourite biscuit/cookie?

CP and Reich Chancellor of eCanada:
Nine: What's a biscuit? 😉

The concludes the interview. Have thyself a pleasant day.

By a guy in a vault.

Obligatory Canadian pics.
