[MoE]Avoid Growing Up

Day 2,153, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello again! Expect to see articles from the MoE every Wednesday and Saturday of this term. Today’s edition will be a very brief update on the progress of several initiatives within the MoHA, then we will talk about divisions, experience, and strength very important aspects to new players.

First let me begin by saying I still haven’t had a simple script sent to me that lists out new players, I am aware of egov but it takes longer to use and doesn’t give every new citizen. If anybody knows of a simple script that pulls new citizens daily I will award you with a 5 gold prize. Once that is out of the way I will send each new citizen a welcome message that will eventually become a series with helpful information. My goal is to hopefully ease retention and make the hardest part of a citizen’s life easier.

In the last article I mentioned the eUK library, currently the Library website is being worked on before we are able to start putting information into it I’ll give updates on its progress. This library will basically eliminate the need to product guides and answer any question a new player may have about the game. This will include game mechanics, Party/MU affiliations, and even government offices both mechanic and RP elements. If however, the project is killed, I will produce a Google Document with quick links to everything and maintain it long as it can be helpful.

Now onto a very important and potentially controversial topic I feel like everyone seems to neglect when it comes to new citizens and that is leveling up or “growing up” as the title suggests. The smartest thing a new citizen can do and this applies to everybody in D1 + D2, keep your citizen’s level as low as possible. There is absolutely no reason to rush into the higher levels because this only means more competition for battle hero medals. The new fighting system is designed to award new citizens by allowing them to compete amongst themselves instead of competing with the older citizens that have been training for years. This was done by creating four divisions each based on the level of the citizen, explained below are the two pertaining to new players D1 and D2:

Division 1 “National Guard” - This division is for the ebabies and lasts until level 24 or 5,000 experience points. I recommend you rush to level 15 so you are able to do the many things that are unlocked as you go along. After this you have zero reason to fight at all because it doesn’t benefit you. All you should now be worried about is gaining strength and avoiding experience points at all cost. If you stick to that regiment after just a few weeks you can become a tank within the division and then begin fighting to obtain medal after medal. Because of the stigma placed on being low level everybody seems to rush into D2 leaving almost nobody but brand new players. This leaves a void of higher strength players to be filled and 2 gold medals to be taken.

Division 2 “Soldiers” - The second division is really the last division a new player can hope to win battle hero medals without spending massive amounts. Lasting from levels 24-29 you have up to 25,000 experience to play on this battlefield. If you had followed the strength training minimal fighting strategy up to this point you would be fairly well off in terms of damage. But I’d encourage you once again to focus on gaining strength and just fighting minimally. Just as before if you have the patience to stick to training only, you can eventually make a ton of profit with the 3 gold medals in this division. The longer you are in this division the better to help you get the maximum effect from this strategy.

Lastly remember, after division 2 you start coming up against players that have been in the game for years and the strength to obtain even one medal becomes very unrealistic for a new player. This is the overall philosophy behind “avoiding growing up” medals, profit and be able to compete.

In closing, I highly recommend to all players that haven’t made it into division 3 to try slowing themselves down and focusing on upgrading strength facilities and strength growth, instead of your experience and level. I believe this is a hidden gem within the divisions system that nobody seems to utilize, I hope this helps somebody change the way they play and hopefully make some money in the process. If anybody has any questions about this article or anything at all, feel free to privately message me!

I thank you for reading,

Wes Lewis
Minister of Education