[MoD] Government's dispatch

Day 1,487, 08:47 Published in India India by Fireredsky

Government's dispatch program is incoming.
List of soldiers is completed, 64 eIndians applied, but you still can send you application using this form: http://tinyurl.com/cd74ban

For now we have:
- 33 soldiers in group 1 (<2000 strength)
- 24 soldiers in group 2 (2000-6000 strength)
- 7 soldiers in group 3 (>6000 strength)

We only need financial analysis to start dispatching, today Commius is taking his last exam and then he can provide us financial report.

Till now 6 players said they are interested in participating in our program as dispatchers:
Rebelash (AHF)
kismu (MARCOS)
troj4n20 (IAF)
retry009 (MARCOS)
Fighter100 (MARCOS)
Perceptorp (MARCOS)
Abhinay Gupta (MARCOS)
Vaibhavftp (MARCOS)
Shakti Rocks (AHF)
ishabad (-)

If you want to be a dishpatcher, send me a message, please 🙂

Government is also looking for players who can provide us with tanks and food (preferably q5), the cheapest offer will win - we want to buy over 200 tanks and over 1500 q5 food daily.

Weapons dispatch will be provided only for Indian CS. Whoever migrated, please move back to India if u want to participate.

We want to inform you, that we are on a way to have a training war with China, which will give you opportunity to complete missions, and maybe get few BH/CH/Resistance medals! 🙂 That's why HemanathanKumar proposed NE.

Minister of Defense

more information about dispatch program might be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/indian-armed-forces-reviewing-our-forces-1922985/1/20