[miles] To Continue...

Day 1,538, 11:45 Published in Romania USA by miles247

This article is mostly for Sunsetter, but you may want to read it, being the nosy person that you are. Well, those who haven’t read my earlier article, you might want to read this, because this one might contain some references to it.

Now, as far in past as I can remember, I have always seen the world as a bitter place. So, I had pretty much mastered the mind, not willing to let it fly away. It was a bitter process, but I never had a choice. It was a constant process, trying to control the mind and I considered myself pretty good at it. At the end of the day, nothing mattered. It was more like Tapas, as Maniu would like to call it.

Now I found a choice in the form of you, Sunsetter. I think I still possess what it takes to control my mind, but I have no desire to control it. I want it to fly away; so that I could follow it, because I know it is gonna fly right away to you. Maniu might be disappointed to hear this, but, hey, its my life, right?

Never before in my life, have I been in so much debt to sleep. Never before, have I been this tired. And never before, have I been so awake and aware of myself. I haven’t been this confused and excited. Things have started to matter again. Thank you for showing me this day.

You have distracted me from my tapasya, angel. And I am grateful to you for that. You have freed me from constant strain of controlling my mind. And, I am grateful to you for that.

Thank you, angel, for being a part of my life.