[miles] The Balance

Day 1,537, 00:36 Published in India USA by miles247

Human mind is at peace, never. Even if we want to control it, we want to bind it, it slips away all the time, even when we are at the peak of happiness, it wishes for more or something else. Well, that is its job, some might say. It can be controlled by various practices, some might add.

Sometimes, mind wants to stay alone, sometimes, it needs someone to hug and tell us, “Everything will be alright. You are not alone.” We can spend years and years trying to find out what it really wants, so we can soothe it once and for all, but in that pursuit, we are caught in a circle. We chase mind and it runs farther away, mostly to return to beginning.

What can we do then? Two things. One, we can try to follow it always and always, wherever it may lead us. Two, we can always try to control it, to be content in whatever we have got. It’s a balance between these two. Everyone has to find his own balance.

Most of the people I see, lack what it takes to control mind and the guts to follow it. Result, dissatisfied life. It is those people who think that philosophy is something to be discussed, to be debated upon, like an exercise of mind, but never to follow.

Follow your dreams or have the power to control your mind, both of these are never-ending processes. For mind is a free bird, who doesn’t wish to be captured and doesn’t forget how to fly. Slightest weakness in grip, and it flies away. Find your balance, like everyone is supposed to. A life spent following your dreams, in suffering and pain, is much better than spending it in dissatisfied security. Because even if you lose again and again, when you finally fall into bed for final sleep of death, you can tell yourself that you tried atleast.

Signing off,