[MDP] Controversy Versus Fact

Day 2,646, 18:46 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

I remember when I started out in this game. Addy Lawrence was the outgoing CP, soon replaced by Oinyo. I began my media career yelling at Oinyo for being a mollycoddling coward who would rather bend over for his enemies than offer his people leadership.

Well, times change. Oinyo is now the one doing the angry yelling because he doesn't like the way the government is run. But his objections - unlike mine, when I knew almost nothing about eCanadian politics and still managed to hit that nail right on the head - are not based in the reality shared by the rest of us. And his methods of protest are dangerous, destructive and potentially treasonous. I really think he's gone off the rails.

Let's start with the obvious: Oinyo's knickers are in a twist because Rylde ran for Party President of the Canadian Progressive Front, and won the election. This is, according to Oinyo, an obvious PTO and a clear sign that the MDP has gone too far this time, and all of eCanada needs to rise up and strike down these terrible oppressors.

The real problem here is that Oinyo is not basing these claims on any sort of facts. This is a personal vendetta against Rylde and certain other individuals in the MDP, and has nothing to do with "PTO's" and "The Evil Dictatorship Claiming Our Country."

You want proof? Look at McVicker's campaign last month, and compare it to Rylde's campaign this month. And for the sake of objectivity, let's compare them both to klop123's campaign, because he was the opponent both times:

1 - Yes, Rylde had been in CPF all during McVicker's tenure as PP. Not in MDP.
2 - All candidates brought in "outside" votes. Clan Wolf voted for klop (whether he asked them to or not - klop ran two gentlemanly campaigns).

I have no definitive proof that McVicker bought votes, but it would be consistent with his character and campaign style. I'll leave the speculation up to the readers on that one.

Considering how similar Rylde's campaign was to McVicker's, why, then, is Oinyo so bent out of shape this time? McVicker was apparently "clean" enough that Oinyo felt he could support his bid for Country President. Hell, Oinyo was so confident in McVicker's integrity that he dropped out of the race and ran as McVicker's VP.

Why is it different when Rylde does the same thing?

Oh, because it was a MDP conspiracy? Is that the issue? Because I can assure you, it was not. It is not my intention to throw Rylde under the bus here, but Rylde does what Rylde does. I made a few "troll" posts supporting his run, thinking at the time that klop would win. Hell, I would have voted for klop - he's a good person and would take the job seriously, even if he is an unrepentant hippie, and I enjoy that kind of political competition. But then he didn't win.

Rylde got 30 votes, and that was enough to win the election. That's... quite sad, really. CPF is supposed to be the big-time party, more members than the next two parties combined. 30 votes out of 74 was all it took. Rylde won by 3.

Oinyo's response to this has been... well, a little extreme. While klop has been a gentleman about the whole thing, Oinyo has been throwing an international hissy fit about it.

First, he tells the Foreign Affairs team - of which he had been a part - that he is quitting his post. He then threatens to contact every CP and MoFA in the world and tell them just how terrible eCanada is, and encourage them to avoid any "serious relations" with us until his demands are met. In other words, if Rylde doesn't immediately step down from his position, Oinyo is going to dox us to every world leader.

In the same article, he shares his hopes that some foreign nation will invade and wipe us out so that we can be taught a valuable lesson.

Hours later, when it is clear that he is getting no support for his terrorist rhetoric, he tells the FA team that if things don't speed up, he's going to escalate his efforts to undermine the country's international reputation:

"Another very large article is going out tomorrow. {. . .} The article will reflect this along with other recent events that took place last night, today and what will happen tomorrow morning.

"My mail list is going to grow to include 5 more players from each country.

"I hope you do something positive today to allow me to write something decent on my article. Because it is shaping up to be piss poor at this pace."

This ominous post puts me in mind of a gunman with hostages, negotiating with the police. During the first call, he says, "If we don't get a chopper on the roof, seventeen million dollars in unmarked twenties, and sandwiches from Hooters, I kill one person every hour." An hour later, when he still doesn't have his sandwiches, he calls back and says "Alright, you pigs aren't taking us seriously, so now we're going to kill FIVE people every hour until our demands are met!"

That "very large article," by the way, seems to be about how CPs - who don't give half a damn about this situation - are talking to one another about the weather in his defamation thread.

He has also pinned a great deal of responsibility on me, personally, and has apparently inflated my importance and influence to that of some kind of megalomaniacal Bond villain:

"I am tired of you keeping us down Xander.

"You probably should play it safe and run from me. My posts will not stop until things improve.

"Also.. you are the domestic terrorist?"

A week ago, he was calling me a puppet-drone who shouldn't be speaking for my party. The day before the election, he assured me that no one ever takes me seriously in any way. The day after the election, I'm a political mastermind bent on destruction and oppression.

I'm not sure how Oinyo can reconcile calling us "domestic terrorists" when he is clearly threatening to harm our international standing, and openly encouraging an invasion, all because of his beef with a few certain individuals within the country.

Oinyo, I am saying this to you directly, and as plainly as possible: You are presenting a threat to the country. You are threatening to undo the hard work of the people you claim to be defending and "liberating." You are threatening to make a mockery of the country you claim to love. Please take a moment to calm down, review your priorities and make the needed adjustments, or there will be unpleasant consequences.

This is not a threat. I do not make threats - I take steps to end them.

Ever Foward!