[MC]Thestatisticsofpolitics|World powers and what they believe November 2010

Day 1,102, 10:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes

Hello eWorld!

Today I will bring you the statistics behind the congress and presidential elections from around the world and compare it with last month’s election results. I will focus a lot on right and left wing views and so I will make it clear now that “right wing” refers to centre right and far right parties, while “left wing” refers to those in centre left and far left parties. Its another long article so please feel free to dip in and out depending on what interests you!

HOWEVER, before we move into the article I need to say thank you to 4 groups of people with regards to my recent successful election campaign. I try to keep this newspaper unbiased so I will be as quick as possible. If you are not interested in eUK politics e.t.c. please feel free to skip this part of the article and go straight to the main section:

1.I want to start by thanking everyone who voted for me, as I couldn’t have made it without your votes and it really does mean a lot to me! I fully intend to back up what was said in my Manifestowith my actions and encourage everyone and anyone who needs help or wants to check that I am fulfilling what I said I would do to send me a message!

2.I would like to thank the members of the UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party) for their support and hard work in making it possible for me to successfully run. In particular those involved in running the election campaign (Jhorlin, Dishmcds, GGRyan and Thorrold) as well as Snake321 (for just being there to help and fun to chat to).

3.I would like to thank all the other candidates from all parties for stepping up to the mark and agreeing to put in the effort to make the eUK great again if they were elected. I am very much encouraged that we have so many people devoted to the eUK and would like to praise both those who were elected to congress and those who were not for their efforts and their conduct through this election.

4.I feel I want to give special mention to a couple of guys who really humbled me with their willingness to put the Party, country and indeed me before themselves. Lap12345 and Gav miller, two of my fellow candidates in London. When it became clear that I was more likely to be elected to congress than them both changed their display pictures to “vote Michael Crookes” pictures. While this may seem like an ordinary thing both were effectively giving up their own opportunity to help me to get elected and that is a great sacrifice that can be seen by all and which really moved me!

I am very sorry for waffling for so long but you will be glad to know that it is now on with the article:

presidential persuasions

The pie charts below show the political views of the president of each country at the moment and the views of the presidents of each country 1 month ago:


One month ago:

As can be seen the presidential breakdown has remained fairly constant, the centre parties have now got a slightly larger percentage of the presidents mostly at the expense of those on the right wing. The number of presidents whose current party has not stated its political stance has halved this term, with only the president of eIreland belonging to a party which has no political stance stated. The number of presidents who’s parties own a majority of the seats in congress has increased to 6 (Republic of China (Taiwan) and Austria (80😵, Montenegro (70😵, Czech republic (63😵 and Cyprus and Estonia (55😵). As can be seen from the list above, there is now not a single country in eRepublik in which 100% of the seats are owned by a single party (there were 2 last month).

Congress breakdown

The following pie charts show the political views of the party with the most seats in congress in each of the 66 countries in the eWorld this month and the relative figures from last month.


One month ago:

There is quite a clear contrasts between the pie chart from last month and the pie chart for this month. While the largest parties in congress before the elections were largely central parties, with an even distribution between left and right either side, this month the right have seen a growth in congress. The right have made gains mainly in the countries which did not have congresses during the last election (N/A) and it is now fair to say that the right are rivalling (although not beating just yet) the central parties in terms of the most powerful parties in the congresses of the 66 countries of the eWorld.

The greatest and the smallest

It’s time to look at the countries with the largest concentrations of left and right wing parties in them so let’s begin:

Most left wing:
1.Pakistan 92% (percent of congress)
2.Iran 87%
3.Singapore 80%
4.South Korea 70%
5.Canada 65%

Most right wing
1.Russia 100% (percent of congress)
=Republic of Macedonia
3.Poland 90%
4.Latvia 89%
5.Indonesia 85%

[The statistics of politics- top 3]

Below are the three current political situations which I believe are the most interesting in the eWorld today:

The bronze medal this month will go to Iran. Iran has received this prize today because they are the only country who currently have three top parties, each with 22% of congress. There are 2 centre left parties and a far left party. However, a fourth party who hold 20% of the vote are also on the far left meaning that the difference between the country being centre left and far left will be a point of contest in the coming weeks!

Second place goes to North Korea for fairly similar reasons. North Korea only has three parties with seats in congress. Two of these parties have 34% of the seats in congress each, while the third party has 31% (the other 1% was lost because I am rounding down). These parties (as I imagine many of you have guessed by now) also differ politically as much as is possible, with one on the far left, one central and a third on the right. This sets the country up for an interesting month of negotiation and compromise in congress!!!

The first prize this month goes to…Latvia. Latvia is, as has been mentioned above 90% right wing. It is not even close to being a central country (and therefore an interesting political battlefield from that point of view) with 75% of those in congress belonging to right wing parties. So I imagine some of you are asking why it is my top choice, and the answer is simple. Despite the fact that 90% of congress is right wing, the president of Latvia almost unbelievably belongs to the only left wing party in the country!!!

That concludes today’s article, I hope that you enjoyed it and that it proved an interesting read. I want to apologise again for the length of the article (they seem to be getting longer and longer) and I would just like to end by saying that I appreciate the support I am getting in my newspaper from people reading articles commenting e.t.c. and I am glad people find my articles worth reading!
Until next time,

Stay safe and play hard!