[MC]getting to know PANAM

Day 1,189, 14:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes

Hello eWorld!

You probably haven’t missed my articles but I have so I thought it was about time I dusted off my typewriter and set to work. I have an interview to bring you today, this time with a rather important guest not just in the eUK, but in the eWorld. My guest is Krems Secretary General of the PANAM alliance and we will be talking about…you guessed it, PANAM.

Interview with St Krems

Michael Crookes: ok...so to start off with, can you tell us a little about PANAM, the countries that are in it and what it’s primary aims are?

St Krems: PANAM has 8 member countries, Argentina, Brazil, France, Japan, Russia, Turkey and USA. primary aims are mutual defense and aquisition of resource regions for our members through fair and just means

Michael Crookes: are Canada not a member of PANAM currently?

St Krems: Ah yes, knew I was forgetting someone ty, though technically Canada are not full members according to themselves we still see them as brothers though ofc

One potential PANAM logo

Michael Crookes: What would you say is your main goal for PANAM?

St Krems: we are still in the building stage. My personal goal is to lay the foundations for a strong alliance that will last for a long time.

Michael Crookes: how long do you see it lasting, or do you think NWO and PANAM are simply the next alliances in a cycle?

St Krems: This game is cyclical, I think saying PANAM will last forever is simply arrogant but the bonds that it is forming between nations will… we have always seen the same allies in different alliances, this is the first time a new alliance, with new allies has been formed. and that will effect the game for a very long time indeed

Michael Crookes: and what is the structure of command in PANAM going to look like?

St Krems: currently we have 4 HQ members. We want to keep the HQ small and focus more on our member's presidents. There's a SG, vSG, SC and vSC:

SG focuses on diplomacy and generally runs the alliance
SC focuses on military coordination

Michael Crookes: No Treasurer?

St Krems: No treasurer. we don't have alliance fees so no need

St Krems

Michael Crookes: could you tell us a little about you and what qualified you to lead PANAM

St Krems: I'm a two time president of the USA, like 6 term MoFA, I put a lot of the initial work into forming PANAM when I was USA MoFA over the course of about 3 months… I guess people in PANAM saw how I worked and liked it enough to appoint me SG

Michael Crookes: So what does your alliance offer that remaining neutral or joining NWO does not?

St Krems: Remaining neutral can be dangerous to your health considering the disregard for national soverienty NWO displays and 'joining' NWO is a misnomer. NWO will never let anyone but a military giant fully 'join' it. contrast this where PANAM where all nations who are admitted have an equal voice and vote: we don't believe in 'Puppet states'

Michael Crookes: So what is your view on the united kingdom renting regions to the Serbians?

St Krems: I hope they have a plan for when serbia breaks the agreement and rushes to the US border

Michael Crookes: why do you hope that?

St Krems: because if they don't handle that well it's going to end badly for them

Michael Crookes: do you see that as the likely outcome of the deal?

St Krems: yes. it's the reason serbia is renting regions in the UK and not say...norway, which is closer and would have been easier to get to.

Michael Crookes: As I understand, in an attempt to stop Serbia from reaching the eUK you told France to invade Belgium, is this true?

St Krems: I asked france to, yes…I don't order member nations

Michael Crookes: I also believe that the French army actually fought for Belgium (and against PANAM) in the battle, how are you planning to ensure unity in your alliance in the future?

St Krems: that was a training war. They fought to insure BE won the battle and keep the terms of their agreement

Michael Crookes: so did France refuse to block the Serbia deal then?

St Krems: not at all, they successfully blocked serbia going through BE. They simply found another route but we delayed them by about a week… successful op imo and relations with BE shall be normalised again soon.

That concludes todays article, Hopefully this will be the start of a more regular set of articles from me so that my paper doesn’t become stagnant and boring 😉

Stay safe and play hard,

(Michael Crookes)