[jamesw] Military, foreign affairs, and a four king summary.

Day 1,292, 14:16 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

The first thing I would like to discuss, is a change in our military. The only discussion that anyone will entertain, in military terms, these days is centred around efficiency. How does one become efficient? In the current module, with the use of the Work as Manager feature. The more times it is used, the more efficient one can become, and through greater efficiency comes more damage.

The prevailing reform has been to adopt a system of competing militias. Centrally funded, and accountable to a state, but operating with their own assets, systems, command structures and soldiers. The militia system is one which is utilised in Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, and the USA: each country has a different enterpretation, but the base level of varying powers is continued throughout.

In the UK, I think that such a system is, bluntly, counter productive. We do not have enough troops to split our military damage up in a way which would ensure that each militia would be able to really offer anything close to a "community"; yes we would be more efficient, but that efficiency would reduce us to a military system without any meaningful community. An alternative would be to have troops sit in the same strike rooms: if we're going to strike together, whats the point in being militia units?.

The alternative I would like to offer, is to keep our state dedicated military. To improve supply, damage, and hopefully recruitment, I would like to propose something which is probably going to strike you as insane. I would like to propose that we take advantage of the Work as Manager feature to the final degree.

I propose that the vast majority of the UKs army production is redistributed towards weapons companies. This will ensure that we increase the number of weapons available troops. Not only will this increase our damage, it will also, in the long run, increase our soldiers rank.

To allow for less food and grain workers, I propose that within UKSF, the production of food is moved outside of army companies, and onto citizen accounts, to (I am told this will eventually be lifted to 500) of 300 wellness of food. At present, everyone is given enough companies to eat roughly 200/300 wellness (depending on your economic skill, and our economic booster at the time of working). This is through the free companies which Plato gave to everyone. Thus, half of our work (in regard to UKSF) is already done; the majority of UKSF players already have enough food to self-supply - this program would see every one being offered generous subsidies to increase their production to a minimum of 300 (and later 500, if my sources are correct) worth of wellness. Once this is complete, they will move to either an iron of weapons company. This process will continue until UKSF is solely working (and thus being supplied from the central supply channels) in weapons related companies.

In regard to UKAF, we are hampered by a production formula which favours the oldfags. It is clearly impossible to replicate self-production of food to all in UKAF, and as such, it is fallacy to suggest we can also see a move to pure weapons production in UKAF. What I would however, like to see, in all UKAF companies, is a move to ensure that we are not over producing, or over supplying food; Platos companies will provide even the newest of players (production level 1), 100 wellness. At present, UKAF supplies 300 wellness. This can be reduced to at the most, 200 each day, saving vast amounts of our army's production. This can then be put into weapons, which will be used to boost citizens who are close to the next military rank, as well as stockpiled for important battles.

As well as this, once our companies are finally released by admins, I will ensure that they are spread amongst citizens, to supplement our product income, as well as supporting schemes such as FREEGUNS etc, for important battles.

From a foreign affairs perspective, this month, for me, is all about embracing non-alignment. Neutrality is a term for countries which are not wanted by either alliance, because of their lack of value. We have value; in our personnel, our (albeit limited) army, our ability to make pragmatic choices when necessary (sacrificing battles for allies, etc), and of course our delicious borders. Both sides want them, but at present, neither has them.

This month is, to boil it down, deciding which foaming teenager we lift our jumper for. Until we make that choice, on a public, congressional and executive level, we must stick to our friends like glue, and do what we have always done; give it our all.

I won't hide the fact that I have a special place in my heart for a few countries from both sides; and one day, not only will this country turn their back on one group of these old friends, but we'll almost certainly be fighting directly against one of them, some day. If we join ONE, that could be fighting against Germany or France; if we reject ONE, we will inevitably have to help Greece, Bulgaria or Croatia against Serbia and Macedonia.

Such a choice is simply too much for one entity to make alone; it must be a decision which is made by congress, the executive, and the public at large. Otherwise, when Woldy inevitably re-runs in the future, he'll find a way to break it.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to outline my cabinet personnel. Thank you to all who applied, and I hope that should I be elected, my team will repay my faith!

Vice President and Minister of Finance - Emergy Maxfell
Minister of Home Affairs - Thomas765 and Aidizzle
Minister of Work - Master Hofkens
Minister of Foreign Affairs - McAffee01 and Keram10
Minister of Defence - Tom Morgan
Minister of Island - Tomazim

Thank you to all who applie😛 should I be elected I will pass on your interest in the ministry to the relevant minister, and try to ensure as many places are offered as possible. I will now draw this to a close, should you want to re-read (or read) any of my manifestos, you can find them all in the following places:

If you have been living under a rut, you can see my previous manifestos here:

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Domestics
Part 3 - Security and ATOs
Part 4 - Economic Affairs

Lots of love,
~jw and Emergy Maxfell