[jamesw] How to fix our four king economy

Day 1,290, 12:24 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Before I talk about economics, I would like to thank the APP and The Unity Party. Not only have they helping me draft manifestos, and offered great suggestions, and feedback, but they have also given me the honour of officially endorsing me for President this month. To Connor, Devoid, Joshua Whelan, Pineapple64, Norton02, DanMoir and everyone else: I owe you guys a lot.

Now, lets talk economics. I will begin by outlining the economic benefits, and reasonings behind, some of my previous policies. Firstly, lets look at my proposal to increase the citizen fee.

The economic benefit to this is two-fol😛 an increased consumption of new players, and a decrease in the amount in circulation.

The increased consumption will help demand for food and weapons, but we will also receive a nice amount of that GBP back, from the VAT that citizens pay when buying goods. The increased demand will hopefully shore up our prices, and indirectly, re-enforce the increases we have seen in wages. This, is undoubtedly a good thing.

The decreased amount of circulation is thanks to the fact that a lot of the players who sign up for this game, die with a lot of GBP in their account. These "unsavable babies", killed by a lack of interest in this game, will help to drain GBP out of our economy permanently, so that an eventual increase in the value of GBP is assured.

The second economic change I would like to bring about, is pushing through the tax reform discussions that Congress has been ignoring. A move towards VAT, is a move in the right direction. The only way we can tax the vast majority of production (which is now through the "Work as Manager" feature) is through adding VAT onto the excess products they sell.

The increase in VAT (taxing those who earn more, and have more) will also increase the UKs income. At present figures, we have an underspend of roughly 80,000 GBP each month: so to increase our income, isn't really something vital - we aren't spending the reduced income we are already receiving. It is because of this, that I would like to emulate the systems used by such countries as Poland, the USA, and various other countries, by effectively eliminating the income tax that our citizens pay - If you want to talk figures, the amount we can get away with, is around 5%. This increase in peoples net wages, means that those who depend upon employment for their money, will see a net increase in their spending power, even when we increase VAT.

The goal in these reforms is to re-adjust our economy, and increase the spending power of those who depend upon employment to fund their experience. I should also add, that I will be more than happy to re-assess our taxes, should our income remain at a consistent level: we can afford to make less GBP, so our tax changes should redistribute some of the 80,000 excess GBP per month we currently make, amongst our grorious citizens.

Thanks to Artela for this lovely photo of her preferred iron.

Unfortunately, the iron I am talking about, is now known as Weapons Raw Material. And in case you didn't notice, we could do with a bit more. That is why I will be heading a movement to increase the amount of Iron our country produces, in conjunction with my brilliant vice president, Emergy Maxfell.

We will be looking to not only use this great demand to keep our wages competitive, but also, offer the chance for newer players, or those who have always spent their weapons gold on their country, to not only increase their income (and thus, potential damage), but also, increase the demand for workers in the UK.

The scheme will work like this:

- Anyone creating a new rubber company will receive a grant of 1000 GBP to cover the land purchase cost (if they need land to create the company)
- Anyone creating their first Rubber/Saltpeter mine to Work As Manager will be entitled to a 1000 GBP grant to purchase the land (if they need it to create the company) as well as 750 GBP for Saltpeter mines, and 1000 GBP for Rubber mines.
- Anyone creating their first Rubber/Saltpeter mine, to not only Work As Manager but also hire staff, will be entitled to a 1000 GBP Grant for the Land cost (if needed), as well as 1500 GBP for Saltpeter mines, and 2000 GBP for Rubber mines.

This scheme is great, for various reasons. Firstly, we remove a nice amount of GBP from the economy which will eventually lead to GBP increasing in value, or allowing demand to out-strip supply, and the government to sell excess GBP for GOLD. As well as this, we re-enforce our job market (and thus wages, and prices), but we also allow citizens who cannot spend money on erepublik to increase their income stream. If you ask me, thats three pretty great reasons, considering all we're losing is GBP (of which we are approaching ridiculous levels, at the Government level.)

I will hasten to add, that we will keep the appropriate records, and ensure that only those who need land, get the grant. As well as that, anyone who is going to aide the UK job market, will have to prove that they have (and continue) to do so whilst economically viable, otherwise I will push for that individual to be blacklisted, outlawed, or sent to Jhorlins prison (what he refers to as "his mind") for intentional theft

Finally, I would like to use this month to reform, or repeal the Budgetary Committee. If congress decide to repeal the legislation, then I will re-introduce the position of Ministry of Finance, who I will task with documenting and analysing government expenditure. As we have seen, "budgeting" isn't really doing the name justice. Not only are "budgets" just confirming government spending, but they also remove any real oversight that congress has. I would task the Ministry of Finance with ensuring every GBP spent is document adequately, from Bank of England, to its eventual destination. Congress will then be informed on a weekly basis, with full figures. From here, they can discuss how much is being spent, and where, with proper information. This information will also allow them to question any figures they find worrying, and offer some oversight into the economics of our country.

Should Congress decide to keep the act in place, I will firstly move to ensure that the Budgetary Committee's process is made public. It is laughable that we treat such a simple issue with the utmost secrecy: our MoHA spending 300 GBP on recruitment isn't information that will allow our enemies to fundamentally ruin us. Equally, it adds to the general transparency movement that I have tried to represent this term.

The committee will be tasked with offering expert opinions on expenditure and income; and using their experience to hopefully giving congress the ability to attempt to hold ministries, and even myself, to account on economic matters.

Once again, I will stop before I turn this into a dissertation. Again, I thank you for your time in reading, and I hope I have shown you that this month, my platform is one which is going to benefit everyone. If you have been living under a rut, you can see my previous manifestos here:

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Domestics
Part 3 - Security and ATOs

Lots of love,
~jw and Emergy Maxfell

ps; A vote for jamesw is a chance to blame jamesw, oh and a vote for The brilliant Emergy Maxfell.