[Interview] srg91

Day 1,476, 18:02 Published in Australia New Zealand by Marcos Arolia

(This interview was meant to be posted yesterday, but certain circumstances have made it tardy)

It's bloody obvious what this is.

Welcome to this interview of srg91, the candidate of the Australian Parliamentary Party. Srg91 has been a veteran of this game, working most recently as the interim Minister of Defence. The candidate was willing to give time from his campaign to allow me an interview.

Arolia: We'll begin with the most important aspect that has occured in PM lancer450's term: the decision to leave EDEN. What is your opinion on this matter?

srg91: God, I have answered this like a few times now haha

Arolia: It's still worth answering in the media. 😃

srg91: Whilst EDEN in the past has help us, this help was given primarily just before an election. At that stage, we are usually wiped and have no regions to form a senate. Other times would include having an operation in the Asian regions. EDEN's primary focus is upon Europe and as such, it doesn’t align with our goals and needs. It is true that as of now, EDEN is losing on a few fronts however, even with the likes of Croatia still have regions Romania still has regions. This term, our CP has informed me that he is unable to get access into EDEN and has been ignored on messages largely. This and the factor of no regions, no senate has I believe tipped the balance on the scale. As a result of these factors, I think leaving EDEN is the right move as of now.

EDEN without the Aussie leaf

Arolia: Interesting. Now that we are out of EDEN, how will our military apparatus change?

srg91: Lessen our MPP load to the nations which has helped us in the past. This means a limited yet more focus set of MPPs for damage. Our military should in theory be move focused to produce more damage for our friends and allies. Also, with the return of regions, our budget is expected to increase. As such, the military may be possible to keep its current funding with no cuts as the budget should be growing in a few days.

The Australian Defence Force: serving Oz since BETA

Arolia: Next question: Our neighbour to the north, Indonesia, has always been our enemy for various reasons. How do you plan to get on with them if you are elected?

srg91: I think the most obvious answer is keeping communication alive. eIndo has expressed interest in talking things through in recent times. I think keeping a friendly positive relationship is a main point. What I like to say is, any alliance can change, any member of alliance can change, but what can’t change is the fact that eIndo and eAus are neighbors for a long long time.

Our long-time enemy and neighbour

Arolia: That is enough about military matters. The next set of questions
are domestic

srg91: Sure

Arolia: We will begin with the domestic economy

srg91: ok

Arolia: As we know, the return of regions means we will have funding again from our economy. What will the srg91 Government do with the money not allocated to war?

srg91: Save it for a rainy day. A good example is:

Right now and for the next 20 days we can not withdraw from treasury. As such, we need to rely upon RBA to survive these 20 days. This should explain how important it is to have some money in one's bank. At best our Funds could last us around 2.5 terms if we used it completely but saving the unused money is imo very smart. Perhaps converting it into g and wait for 50% offers to come to form some more gov companies. Either way if we don’t need those q5 companies, we could just dissolve them at breakeven cost. No harm done.

Our economy is a plane! How often have we landed?

Arolia: To continue on our economy, what are your plans in terms of improving it?

srg91: define improving

Arolia: To increase production, increase how much AUS we can gain etc...

srg91: for gov?

Arolia: And the country in general

srg91: Production is based upon region bonus as of now. This cabinet has done its best to ensure a total of 80% bonus since last week, it will affect our market. I think citizens will receive either more AUD for work, or the price of each good will drop due to competition. In terms of government, if the citizens are buying more, we receive more tax anyways, as such, if we get more bonuses, citizens become better off and this affects the government's income too.

The new AUD from the Ministry of Finance

Arolia: How do you plan on increasing our population by 8%?

srg91: At the moment, eAus has 1.1k citizens. An 8% increase is roughly 90 players. This means that for every day for the next month, I aim to keep 3 players alive and around for each day of the month.

Our economy can also wave the national flag!

Arolia: How do you plan on improving player retention?

srg91: I plan to do so by ensuring my Education and information team continuously messaging new players. There are some eRepublik tool sites which we can use to easily search for new players. From this list, we will attempt to keep around at least 30% of the new players (as the current is roughly around 10).

How many of these people are actually new or active?

Arolia: While I am not the type to speak of other candidates directly, Babis Tsig must be mentioned for his actions as AI PP. The reason you are running directly under the APP banner is because he did not allow for a Primary within the Party. How do you feel about this event?

srg91: I personally do not wish to comment on this too much. I believe he thinks he can run this nation better than me and, due to his function as PP, there is nothing I or anyone can do about it. Wasting time talking about this issue is pointless. It has happened, nothing much can be done now, so I wish him the best if he wins this election.

Australian Independent

Arolia: What is your opinion on the other candidates?

srg91: Honestly, looking at this list, the only other candidate I would prefer to see winning is SC. Whilst Infin is experienced, he has had no time or intention to run for CP. The other 2 candidates have not offered their policies or cabinet to the general public.

The inspiration for the Aussie name of my newspaper

Gday Australia and remember to vote for srg91 on the 5th!
