[FPR] The Fed CP Primary

Day 5,245, 19:19 Published in USA USA by Harvey R Specter

Federalist Press Release - Erepublik Day 5245 (Thursday, March 31, 2022)

Today's Federalist News:
1 | Fed CP Primary

1 | Fed CP Primary

As we move forward in our national political calendar, the Country Presidential election will start in a matter of days. As such, we at the Federalist Party have opened our CP Primary in order to decide who we will be endorsing for President of these eUnited States of America.

So far, these are the options on the table:

1. Patanok
2. No endorsement

If you are a Fed looking to vote in the primary, you may find the link here: https://fedparty.forumotion.com/t9912-april-cp-primary

Patanok’s Campaign Articles:

Announcement Article - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/patanok-for-cp--2750297/1/20
Cabinet Part I - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/patanok-for-cp-cabinet-part-i-2750440/1/20


Tyler Bubblar - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-tb-general-musings-in-regards-to-attempted-fresh-starts-2750340/1/20

Harvey R Specter - https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-tsn-hieroglyphs-from-an-ancient-era-and-patanok--2750426/1/20

If you got any questions about the candidate’s plans, feel free to contact him here: https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/messages-compose/4692010

This segment will be updated with the arrival of new articles and/or if a new candidate appears.

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