[TSN] Hieroglyphs from an Ancient Era and Patanok!

Day 5,245, 05:38 Published in USA USA by Harvey R Specter

Dear reader,

It’s been awhile since I wrote a bit of an opinion article, so today, you will be presented with one.

Topics for Today’s Specter News:

1 | Name Change and hieroglyphs from a Past Era
2 | Patanok’s Presidential Bid

1 | Name Change and hieroglyphs from a Past Era

Hieroglyphs allegedly from a past eRepublik Era. Or are they?

Truth be told, a decade ago is a long time. So long that if we consider that in real life a Presidential term is 4 years and in erepublik that is one month, if we consider 1 month in erepublik equivalent to 4 years, then after 10 real life years that would be a total of 480 years.

Now… it may not be as ancient as the pharaohs, but a lot happens during that time. A lot of our people and many prominent members of our community are from what I now call the “Ancient Era”. I am one of those players. I eDied twice.

My first eDeath was after what I name one of my biggest eCareer failures: my Speaker of the House term during the 72nd Congress. It is the only job in this game I permanently swore I would never do again and, as I explained before, I ended up burning a lot of bridges due to the fact I was a know-it-all asshole and a dick to people.

When I was “resurrected” the first time, I too longed for a fresh start. I too wanted to repair the bridges I’ve burnt and be an asset to this community in any way the people would require me of. Some time after I returned, I openly and publicly revealed myself, even though a portion of the community already knew, as you can observe in this ancient article of mine: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-return1-2407593/1/20

My second eDeath had nothing to do with burnt bridges or me being an asshole, it had to do with the real life demands we all go through from time to time. It is no secret I have returned recently (if anything by the amount of articles I've been releasing) and ever since I returned I have been serving the community in the best capacity I am required of and also apologizing to people I was a dick to years ago. If I could and if all the people I was an ass to were around, I would apologize to them all the same in a heartbeat.

Coming from a guy who never really hid who he is, even if some people’s memories after the years can be tricky, and a guy whose name 10 years ago was associated to a lot of drama resulting from the general attitude I used to have towards people, I can fully understand why anyone else who’s been around for so long would want a fresh start.

I don’t judge and the only thing I can feel is empathy towards the people in the same circumstances who feel that they need to play the game again from a different angle. Sure, old enemies and old grudges can arise and some things can be difficult to mend, but anyone who has held the highest office in the land or a position of power knows that it is impossible to please everyone. You are bound to make enemies or at least have people who do not agree with you and that is okay, it means exactly what is depicted in this image:

As you are also bound to regret having made certain decisions at some points in your eLife. In this point, in the words of Tyler Bubblar in his most recent article, both life and eLife demand a state of constant reflection over your actions as a means to learn. I’m not the man I was 10 years ago and I also have learned a lot.

2 | Patanok’s Presidential Bid

It is no secret that Patanok is in fact Wild Owl. Like Tyler, I wasn’t privy to the information in the sense that nobody told me. I found out. The signs were all already there and it wasn’t really like he was hiding.

The first signal was an article from Dominar stating Wild Owl agreed to host radio shows and yet… Wild Owl’s account was in eDeath state which struck me as weird. Then during my Ambassorial obligations, there was a sensitive instance upon which Patanok was involved and Wild Owl’s telegram account entered the room, that was when I connected the dots and associated one to the other.

Nevertheless, as far as the Presidency is concerned, does it really matter?

I mean, we could argue that he could have released a public article clarifying his identity. We could say he could have openly told everybody everywhere and everyone would have a clue. Nevertheless, he has the right to a fresh start. He has the right to a second chance as much as anyone else. Out of respect for the man, I will refer to him as Patanok from now on as it is what he would like to be referred to as. Still, when it comes to the Presidency of our eCountry, I value two things:

1. Merit/Competency
2. Character

We don’t really need to keep going around his merits or whether Patanok is competent enough to lead us. He is. Period. I may not have been here to witness all his past Presidential terms but I have heard time and time again his accomplishments and the stability he brought to our nation.

As far as his character is concerned, I knew the man 10 years ago. He’s probably one of the few people I don’t recall being a dick to. (Neither does he, we spoke about it recently) I’m not going to say I’ve always agreed with him on things and it is possible that in the future, as topics arise, may be things we have different views on but that is just how things are and that is okay.

A good portion of governing is listening to other people. You can’t effectively govern if you don’t take into account what is best for the country, what the country wants and what is possible given the circumstances. You can’t learn from your own mistakes if you don’t listen and reflect on them. Something I also have realized is that some people get so caught up in nonsense that they forget that being in Congress, being in the Executive or running for office is not about feeding and thriving on petty partisan rivalries or boosting your ego but it should be about serving the community in your best capacity.

We may not all always agree with one another, but like a lot of the active members of this community and many of my party colleagues, I will always put Country first. I am your servant. I will not judge you simply because you belong to another political party with a different ideology. I will not judge you for having a different point of view than mine and I will not refuse to work with you if your ideas have merit and can improve our community as a whole.

Some people may say I’m wrong, and that’s fine, but I believe Patanok has our community’s best interests at heart and he is capable of creating at the very least some of the unity we need.

Having said so, considering Patanok’s past merits, the fact I know he will be a competent President and his character, I fully support him for President of the eUnited States of America and I am looking forward to working with him in serving this community in the best way possible!

Stay tuned for my next articles!

Thank you everyone and kind regards,