[FPR] DMJ4PotUS, Fed Updates, Highlight A HAMMER and the ClassiFeds

Day 2,450, 10:31 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

Today's Federalist News:
1 |Feds Endorse DMJ again!
2 |Whats up with the Feds?
3 |Old Fed/New Fed
4 | Feds Up 7 Up
5 | Highlight a Hammer
6 | ClassiFeds

PotUS Interview
arith seneviratne

Welcome friends, to the Presidential Interview; and what a grand one it is!

Hello, and welcome to the Federalist Party Presidential candidate interview. I would like to introduce dmjohnston, our current PotUS ( President of the United States) who is running for a second term! Here goes the questions...

Question 1.) What are some of your qualifications and/or experiences that makes you an ideal candidate for POTUS ?

DMJ: I've spent the last month as POTUS, 5 terms as SECDEF and more as a Deputy, half a term as acting SECMED, two terms as PP of WTP, various cabinet positions in WTP, officer in Training Corps, Cavalry, Air Force, and Easy Company.

Question 2.) Tell me more about the cabinet members that you have appointed and their abilities to govern the eUS’s domestic and foreign issues?

DMJ: A lot of my cabinet is the same from last month, but I've got new people at NSC Director (The Mike) alongside the returning Co-director (john nwp), Interior (Civil Anarchy), Education (Code-Y), and Homeland Security (Thomas Killah). All new members are experienced and well suited for their tasks, and all the returning members performed extremely well this last month and I want them to continue doing so.

Question 3.) Many citizens have this thought on their minds: “What lies ahead for the future of eFrance and eCanada?”

DMJ:We will continue to take bonuses from France as needed and despite their interest in levels of diplomacy this last month, there is little possibility of that given current conditions with their rogue CC warrior. Things with Cuba have improved dramatically and should improve further at the renegotiation of the rental agreement in a few days

Question 4.) What is your policy on trying to unite eUS political parties? And do you have any plans for public unity ?

DMJ:As I mentioned on eNPR the other night and in my last article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-dmj4potus-gotta-feel-it-body-takes-control-2420529/1/20 I'll be forming an intra-party council to improve our communication and unify our efforts in domestic programs. This sort of approach has worked beautifully in the NSC with the PMUs and I expect it to have a similar effect politically.

Question 5.) How are your domestic and foreign policies going to help the citizens of eUSA ?

DMJ😃omestically, our push for recruitment will help make the eUS community more enjoyable, with fresh blood, new people involved in parties and MUs. In terms of Foreign Policy, we've already seen some of the results this month with countries feeling more willing to rely on us when they are in need or work with us in military operations.

Question 6.) Also, what is your policy when it comes to immigration? I would like to know about your options on this matter.

DMJ:Extensive immigration is a dangerous precedent. We should continue to be cautious and limit the number of individuals we allow into the eUS from other nations

Question7.) Do you believe in giving maximum support to our allies if they are attacked ?

DMJ:Absolutely. I think we've shown this month that we will stand by our allies when their territory is under threat.
Question 8.) Do you plan to establish new diplomatic talks to eNations that are conquered by other nations ?

DMJ:I've been speaking with a wide variety of nations and that will continue. No specifically new contacts come to mind for next month.

Question9.) Lastly, what is your policy towards developing the economy of the eUS ?

DMJ:I've worked hard to maintain our bonuses this month and will continue to do so next month.

Thank you dmjohnston for giving us a look as well as some insight on the day to day issues we as citizens have to face. Good luck dmjohnston during the next election. I would like to remind all Federalists to do their duty and vote on the 5th for the PotUS candidate best suited for the role, dmjohnston , and as always have a nice day!

What's with the Feds?
Kevin Sheridan

So what's the Federalist party all about?

It's about believing in eAmerica, meaning an understanding that society building, not XP, gold or stats gains, is the essence and main challenge of this game. Therefore, we will always put the greater good above personal gains and the community's interests above our own. The Country comes before the party and the party comes before the self.

It' about believing you, the eAmerican citizen, are the cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant and fun eAmerica. As such we are ever ready the help you play the game your way. We are the largest eAmerican party, but it's not about size, it's about diversity. We offer ample opportunity on every field. Soldiers, Journalists and aspiring politicians, players from all denominations and levels of activity all have a welcoming home within our various departments and P/H MU, SHIELD.

It's about believing in you, the individual player. We are a meritocracy; we play it free, transparent and fair. You don't have to be a veteran, you don't have to be rich, and you don't have to be well connected to rise up through our ranks. To us, it's all about hard work, desire and will. You can't imagine how fast and how far you can progress with the Feds.

It's about believing in the future of Erep and the eUSA. We are newb-centric, an old party with the youngest cadre in the country. A major portion of our energy and resources are geared towards grooming the next generation of eAmerican soldiers and politicians, making sure they make the best out of their Erep experience. Check out our Hammer program and newly created Congress school and see for yourself.

Lastly, it's about believing in having fun. No game can be fun when its mechanics are cynically used by the few for narrow, short-lived successes. We are here to cultivate a plural, human, rich, P/H and fun gaming experience and we'll protect it against all those who would wish to turn it into a shallow zombie-like clicking war.

Got your attention? Come check our forums or IRC channels. Talk to some of us, you'll be hooked in no time, P/H experience guaranteed.

Old Fed/New Fed Interview

Today we sit down with a Fed that has been with the party since 2009, Mourning Star. Let's have a look at what this influential chimp has to say...

1. So, What DOES the Federalist represent to you?

The Federalist Party has been my home ever since I was eBorn. It represents everything I love about this game. I have had many friends, many enemies, and many [strike]lovers[/strike]... er, good times here. Without the Feds I would be one very lost little ape.

2. As a "old" Fed and former Party President, what does being a Fed mean to you?

Being Fed is to be both maximum parts Proud, and maximum parts Horny ALL the time. Being a Fed means you are not afraid to voice your opinion, even to the Party President or to the PotUS. Doesn't mean they'll listen mind you, but as a Fed it is your duty to speak up! It also means that you respect the opinions of the opposition, and hold your tongue while in public chat areas (as best you can... some times a lil ass kicking is needed).

3. Can you give us an idea of how you started in the party and how you rose up through the ranks?

I started out as a lowly grunt... in what use to be a called precincts, or districts. Spam messaging people using a mass mailer type system. From there I became a precinct captain in charge of telling others to mass mail people. Then came Operation Polish Sausage. Shortly after that the idea of a  permanent Federalist Militia was being tossed around. Most of the framework was in place after OPS, all that was needed was that little extra shove.
After becoming the CO of the new Federalist Militia known as Easy Company I was promoted to the now defunct position of Fed Military Director. I still wanted moar power though so I applied for congress. A decision I still regret to this day, haha, just kidding. Being in congress actually helped me meet A LOT of cool and interesting people throughout all the other parties. After about eight months in congress I decided I'd throw my hat into the PP ring. AND WON.... just kidding I lost my first time running and had to wait another two months before finally being elected. After that, I took a little monkey break... left the game for about a year... but something was missing in my life. I was losing my P/H..... so I just HAD to come back!

4. How has the party changed since you first joined?

We have lost a lot of the rigidity that we once had. Things were very militant around here when I first started. People still knew how to have fun, but we conducted ourselves very professionally in public arenas such as congress and our FedPartyChat. Now people are able to act a fool wherever it pleases them. I blame the communists myself... or maybe it's all that Hippity Hop music.

5. What are some of the things you've implemented or advocated for while in the party? Any of those still in effect?

I'd have to say the biggest one is the founding of the FBI and a permanent Federalist Militia (now called Military Units). I also tried to implement an army of dynamite wearing monkeys to do my bidding.... but PETA stepped in and the price of dynamite went up, so it was scrapped.

6. Do you think the party is heading in the right direction and if not, what direction would you like to see?

I'd like to see a little bit of the goofiness taken back just a tad. Not saying people shouldn't have fun, but there is always a time and a place for shenanigans just so long as it is not ALWAYS the time and the place. Other than that, I like the general direction of the party.

7. As a new fed, I'd very much like to move up in the party, how would you advocate doing that?

Get involved on IRC, and on the forums. Not just "spam games", but volunteer. Ask around, pay attention to threads and the Fed Press Release. The media department is always a fun place to start, and we are always looking for writers. It is really good advice to just keep your eyes and ears open.

8. Lastly, I just wanted to give you a chance to speak on anything I haven't touched upon. Any parting advice? Words of wisdom?

The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.
- Alexander Hamilton

Work hard to leave your mark on the party, and you will be remembered. Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with you and everyone else...
Feds Up 7 Up

I'll write a little story how i got to erepublik and to feds and shield.

Basicly it all started about 2-3 months ago. Mart Klaar is my IRL friend and he started to sit behind his pc a lot and doing stuff more than usual. So i got intrigued - what he was doing there ... i always so some funny looking page and some irc stuff going on.

So i asked about it and how it works and what's the deal overall. Mart is a kind guy who explains things very well. So i got to know erep pretty well in following months i saw the good side and some of the nasty one also.

We had some talks about me joining erep also but i didn't feel i'm up for it. But still on Jul 02, 2014 i made my account. Followed Mart's instructions not to fight too much at start and join eUSA, federalist party and shield. Well i did join USAF at first cause i'm stoburne like this 🙂

Usaf was nice especially for beginners i followed through flight training there and then it was time to move on. But as it was not so clear to me in what part of USAF i need to transfer or apply i finally followed Mart's advice and joined SHIELD.

Got a warm welcome in irc and forum. Started following instructions to be accepted in HAMMER program (everything is well explained and no confusion what i need to do). I am sometimes not so patient so the holdup on joining hammer and some confusion made me wonder if i am in right place. But got assured from several people that all is good and things will be handled.

Oh boy was i happy when i finally got accepted to hammer. Started working on objectives for hammer and having a blast at irc (special thanks to Cuppycakeyums)
And also in shield we have epic uniforms! (thanks to graphic guys also)

There is a lot of nice people in shield and in feds also. So im very happy that i joined both of them. Already found me a job in shield and have something to do while i can train strength to be useful in wars someday 😛

So if you are new player that just started or old one who came back join us here, it is the place to be!

Highlight a Hammer

Hi!My name is Leo.TheDamager and i am a proud and horny of SHIELD MU.I joined SHIELD about 3 months ago by a recruitment article in eUSA.After 1 week i completed War collage test and joined H.A.M.M.E.R. as well 😃.This was my first step to the world of awesome in S.H.I.E.L.D.

I have played other strategy games like this so its looks familiar to me.

My first job on MU was as MEPS Staffer,after weeks i changed my role as MEPS NCO and for more than one month i become the new face of MEPS(The new MEPS Officer).
Also i am a SHIELD QM,RC of reg4,Recruitment NCO,HAMMER ASST DIRECTOR,SHIELD Graphics Team and 1st Lieutenant in SHIELD,I also win Fed Baby Gold (Just for Fun)

HAMMER is a program for new babies in erepublik that want to continue playing without Plato sh_ts.HAMMER helps you to gain strength and to upgrade theirs TG's to Q4 and to start their elife after graduation .

If you want to keep this program alive please donate to HAMMER  for new babies training and gradaution.I am sharing with you my donation link so you can help me with some money $_$ .I appreciate everything from you guys


Job Opening-FED CLASSIFIEDS-Fundraising/Competitions
" />

Job Openings(click here to get a Jerb)
Visit the link for the Fed Jerb Fair to help shape this part and this country.  You can make a difference.
Fun/Retention Departmen tMessage Bamabettie for Interest
1 Staffers
1 Deputy Director in Training
1 No Fed Left Behind Quartermaster in Training
Fed ExMessage Evil Elvis for Interest
1 Deputy Director
1 Staffer
Fed PartyMessage Evil Elvis for Interest
Fed Press
Contributors WELCOME
Always looking for consistant contributions and leaders for writing-Contact nickbergman
SHIELD-Message WookyJack for Interest
1 MEPS Staffer-Message Leo.thedamager for interest
1 Recruiting Staffer-Message nickbergman

Click THE BUTTON ABOVE TO TELL YOUR STORY you could be rewarded.
Receive Surprises in the HAMMER's Grab Bag Fundraiser here

Host a Hammer-Fun and Games Prizes on #fedfun(Details to Come)

The Fun Department has Trivia Tuesday's starting at 6pm PST(erep time).  Every week there will be a new subject. The top three will receive prizes. So join in on IRC at #FedFun.  Hope to see you there.

TUNE INTO FED RADIO SUNDAYS @ 18:00 (erep time/PST) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/FedRadio
TOGA PARTY is currently on hiatus.

Be a FED Mentor.

Be a FED Mentee.

Federalist Media Staff:

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