[Fed Press] A Tutorial for Newbs

Day 1,794, 07:38 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

The Federalist Press - Day 1794 - October 18, 2012

This article can be originally found in Malpazar's newspaper. This is a repost from his newspaper.

Hello, and welcome to my article for all you new eBabies playing erepublik.
Now I know what you are saying, "what do?" and that is the expected reaction of most players when they first start the game.

Well I am going to try to help you with that and give you some additional tips on the way!

You Beautiful eBaby you...

Step 1: Follow the Tutorial

Plato (That is what us older players call the admins) has set up a wonderful tutorial to help you get you started on your way. This should cover the bare basics of the game.

Step 2: Time to find a military unit

No matter if you are a Warhawk or a Dove war is a part of eRepublik and if you want to have an extensive knowledge of how politics, military, and even economy works in eRepublik it is advised you join a military unit.

Some military units are hard to get into while others are more than willing to accept new players into the game. Below are some helpful military units that will get you started.

Cannon Cockers

Easy Company

eUS Citizens MU

(Military Units wishing to appear in this article feel free to private message me and I will add you asap)

Some military units may require you to join a "commune" when you work at these you earn minimum national wage but you get the opportunity to sign up for tanks, and food from these military units. This may not be for everyone, and that is understandable but it is reccomended that you at least join eUS Citizens MU just to get the orders from the eUS government on which battles to fight in.

Step 3: Political Parties and Politics

Politics are a HUGE part of eRepublik. They are known for, running government, promoting leadership, and providing programs to new players and old. The top 5 political parties run the eUSA and each party has their own social programs, and assistance to new players.

The American Military Party

United States Workers Party

Federalist Party

We The People

(*The American Freedom Alliance or the AFA are currently blacklisted as a terrorist party, AFA members may feel free to private message me if they have a good reason for me to put them on we can discuss it in PM)

These political parties are great options to join and can offer players many opportunities in the eWorld.

Now Dear Reader as a Fed I ask you consider joining the Federalists

The Federalist party strives to help new players and old alike with the feds you can expect respect from all federalists and from many other parties. As one of the coolest parties you know you will have a fun time when you join the feds. The Feds have a great community, and being a part of the community is encouraged, using the Federalist Forums, and the Shout Box you can become a vital surge in eRepublik in a fresh active political party.

The Feds are directly affiliated with Easy Company so if you join EZC it is also a good idea to join the Feds!

Feds know how to have fun, and often are not afraid to speak of how Proud/Horny (P/H) they are to be a fed. You know a good party when you see them say how proud they are on a daily basis to be a fed!

The Federalist Party also has services to help new players, visit the forums to get assistance from Feds who are willing to help. If you need food (who doesn't) you can also file for the Federalist Food Program to help you get the munchies you need on a daily basis.