[Expanding Asgard] Overview of Alliances

Day 2,243, 15:57 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Status Quo
So this may be straying from what I usually write about but its something Ive been looking at recently. The last major shift in alliances came a few months back when CoT was dissolved. Naturally there was mixed reactions. Some upset and many excited and overjoyed. Not only overjoyed that they had "won" the war but overjoyed because of what many believed would lead to the dissolution of TWO and new alliances being drawn. I must admit I was one of these people. Who wouldn't want to see TWO dissolve and start over? So the waiting game began and a game changer was brought into the game with the new Empires and Determination. However Determination can only help countries such as ourselves once we have been occupied for a very long time and will only free us for a short while...really not much of a change although it has forced countries like Poland to step back and sign new agreements with the Netherlands for example which are now able to hold original regions. Sad to say the new changes in the game have only brought benefits for a few which is why we need to start looking at the next best thing.

Expanding Asgard
Asgard now remains as the only official alliance that opposes TWO in the eworld (waits for laughter to die down.) W.O.L.F has proven itself to be a pro-TWO alliance sadly but to each his own. Now this is an issue that has proven to be difficult to discuss in Asgard itself as their is a lot of opposition to the idea in Finland and Sweden (both rejected an applicant before) and a lot in favour in Norway. Now don't get me wrong, Asgard has done a tremendous job as of late against our enemies. The UK was thrown out and Poland has followed suite however now we go back to facing our arch nemesis, yes Im talking about Lithuania. To put it simply, things would be a lot easier if we were to think of expanding the alliance.

Now don't start running off thinking Im in favour of making this some worldly alliance because Im not. Asgard was founded with the intentions of creating a small Northern brotherhood that would give freedom and power to smaller nations such as ourselves and I believe it should stay that way which is why I propose we open the alliance to just one more candidate. Now naturally two options come to mind, Ireland and the Netherlands. The problem with the Netherlands is that I don't believe they would join but Ireland may be a different story. Lets look at some of the pro's and con's.

One of our oldest allies
We are not side by side on the map but are both in Northern Europe
We both share a common rivalry with the British
They are a relatively small nation with 379 citizens currently
Active population
Active and organized military
No current wars which means they would be focused on alliance battles
So far this week they have done over 2.6 Billion damage
2.6 Billion damage is 2.6 Billion damage for Asgard and could be a game changer

Could reignite old arguments from Swedish/Finish players who already rejected the Irish and Dutch applications
The nations we are looking at joining may not want to join an alliance
Some people feel its not necessary to bring up an old debate
Could possibly start more division in Asgard by brining this up
More territory to handle
With a new country comes new issues that are specific to that country
If an application is denied again, it cause tensions between the alliance and said nation

I would like to request that Asgard hold a summit and re-open its foreign policy and look into the option of expanding Asgard. It doesn't even need to be Ireland, but a new member is a new member bringing with them fresh ideas, more firepower and new enthusiasm. I welcome everyone to discuss in the comments your opinions on Ireland becoming not just a member of Asgard but a new friend to move forward with and expanding the alliance as a whole.

As always don't forget to V,S&S!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
President of the Norwegian Green Party