[Evry4POTUS] Consider Your Options

Day 1,688, 22:32 Published in USA USA by Evry

Hello America,

This will be my last campaign article, savor it. I’ve done my best to explain my positions, and to show who will be supporting me in my cabinet, however, now it’s up to you, the voter, to decide my fate. I will however make one last plea for your support. I will now present to you the 3 reasons why you should vote for me this month.

Number 1: It won’t be another month of the same old policies and government.

I have presented two big changes to the way government will work in an Evry presidency. Innovation is important. This game has become far too stagnant and boring for government after government to carry over the same policies with little change from month to month. My triple-Vice President plan may in fact be unorthodox, however, if you don’t try new ideas, no permanent progress can be made. By trying this new idea, I hope to revolutionize the way cabinets work in addition to help train the couple of new cabinet members I have to develop more players capable of filling the shoes of the old people looking to move up or retire.

I also showed my idea for fighting complacency within the country. My Smile Squad led by cabinet-freshman Eric Vanderberg will combat complacency and apathy via IRC games, article writing competitions, and forum games. I recognize that the effects of this may not be instantly apparent, however, my hope is that this program will bring on future programs like it which will truly defeat the defeatist attitude that many eAmericans hold.

Number 2: I have got the experience necessary to know what to do in any situation.

As I have stated in the past, I’ve held enough positions within the government to write an entire story about it (which I did, you can read it here). While it is true that Glove has relatively similar experience as I have, with the addition of being President twice before, I believe that I am still the better choice. My experience is in a wider variety of departments. I have a heavy military background, an extremely strong economic background as well as experience in foreign affairs and organizing cabinets. While Glove may have already had two turns in the big chair, he still never had any position in economics (besides showing he knows how to spend money) or any experience of true substance in the military.

Number 3: I’m responsible.

For roughly 5 or 6 months now I have been a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) director. This places me in direct control of the millions of dollars and thousands of gold that makes up our country’s treasury. I have been entrusted with this position due to my undying love for the country and my ability to be trusted not to steal the cash in our country’s treasury. I’ve held numerous other positions of immense responsibility and never once proven myself unable to keep up with the task.

America, I beg of you to do one thing when you’re voting. Consider your options. Don’t vote for someone because your party president told you to. Don’t vote for them because their avatar has blue in it, and that’s your favorite color. Don’t vote for them because they bribed you with a cabinet position. I ask you to vote for who you think will do the best job as President. Examine the evidence and read the articles. Ask questions of the candidates and of your trusted friends. All I ask is that you vote for who you think is best and consider your options. I personally believe I am the best man for the job.

Please check out my previous articles so far for this campaign here, here, here, here,
here, here, and here.

If you wish to learn more about my campaign, please join me in my campaign channel: #KillingWithKindness or send me a PM.