[eUK History] May 2008: Kaleb's Shadow

Day 620, 09:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation

It's that time of the month again. Another installment of eUK History by Final Destiny. We finally come out of the age of Kaleb and into the next era. For those that are unfamiliar with my Chronicles please take a gander at the previous installments.

- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- Febuary 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008

The story of this month begins as always in the Beta months with a General Election. Thanks to myself in this article the results from then have been preserved. Here they are for those too lazy to click the link.

Prime Minister: shadowukcs

UK Reform: 37.84%
The Unity Party: 27.03%
Peoples Communist Party: 22.16%
Belgian Democratic Party: 8.11%
The Right Party: 4.86%

Shadow beat Paul Hudson and Ip Lockard to take up the role of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The most interesting thing about this election really is that PCP made a huge gain of 11.75% from the previous months election. This sparked praise from myself and Shadow.

Shadow's first act was to start up MI5 and MI6. He also started the process of making his cabinet. Though it was a confused affair as Shadow never got round to officially announcing his Ministers. This set the tone for the month ahead.

The Elections were not the only thing to spark up on the 1st though. On this day both Sweden and Germany declared War. Sweden on Germany for the first time and Norway declared on Russia. This was in response to these countries attempting to sign an MPP with Indonesia.

The Sweden-Germany War saw Pakistan troops aide Germany however this did not help Germany which did not manage to win a single battle. The end result of this War was a Peace contract. Which would allow Germany to keep some regions at a price of 500 gold. A small amount to most who see the amount spent in modern warfare.

The Norweigan-Russia war followed a similar path with Russia soon completely occupied. There was no Peace treaty here just complete occupation for Russia. The Norwegian Empire was now at it's peak.

On the 5th of May China declared war upon Pakistan. This was the result of one of the very first Political Takeovers. China was annexed within 10 Days. Pakistan now owned both India and China and was at it's peak as a Holy Empire. There was little resistance.

Japan also completed their conquest of South Korea with the help of Foreign Mercenaries from Ireland and other countries. The conquest was completed on the 8th of May.

Back in the United Kingdom on the 10th were Party Elections.

- UK Reform saw a contest between the Prime Minister Shadow, certacito the still serving MP and Lourinho the Mayor of Oxford. Shadow won to keep his place at the head of the party. As was expected.

- The Unity Party saw a contest between Paul Hudson and his Deputy Leader Final Destiny. Along with the MP Chrisclamp. Paul Hudson won and continued his role as leader of the main opposition.

- The Peoples Communist Party saw Ip Lockard once again re-elected without any real competition for the role.

- The Right Party saw the founder JosephByrne return to lead the party with KBoomer stepping aside after terrible election results for The Right Party in the general elections.

- Belgian Democratic Party kept faith in Jordy Quinto after challenges from MPs lossimos and YZZ.

So as you can see among the major parties it was pretty much as you were. At least for now. The Croatians in the UK also broke off from UK Reform to form a Croatian United Party led by Giovanne.

This month also saw the founding of two Alliances The Mediterranean Alliance and FIST. The Northern Alliance was also around but no Treaty on it was signed till June. There was also the Pan American Alliance lying around which was founded a few months before in the Americas.

Back to War how about we talk about one the United Kingdom's Paratroopers actually ended up involved in? France and Italy both decided to declare War on Switzerland at the same time. The first time a nation has come under attack from two sides in History. The reason for this war was that Switzerland wanted to sign an MPP with Norway. France and Italy saw this as a threat for some reason and invaded Switzerland. Switzerland was at this time run by Canadians that left Canada after being disillusioned over the USA Peace Treaty.

The United Kingdom dispatched the Paratroopers to try defend Switzerland along with Irish, Swedish and Norweigan troops. The base was to be Bellinzona. The deployment of these troops was controversial in the UK though. Shadowukcs had not informed the Commons of this. This angered many MPs not because they was against helping the Swiss. In fact most where in favor. They demanded Shadow consult them in the future. He did if I recall say he would in future.

On the battlefield the Swiss lost 3 Regions in the first few battles. Though they managed to hold Bellinzona with the efforts of the troops and the deployment of a Q3 Hospital. However with few supplies and a sudden influx of Pakistans troops into France. Switzerland was lost and the Unofficial Northern Alliance had it's first defeat. It however also saw cracks in the Mediterranean Alliance as many Spanish troops helped Switzerland and Spain refused to help France and Italy.

After the Swiss War a treaty with Ireland was signed The Blind Old Noun Accords. This would later evolve into the Raleigh Treaty that we still hold with Ireland till this day.

Another War this month that didn't involve us but I'm mentioning it anyway. Romania-Ukraine with Ukraine supported by Turkey via an MPP. This war started when the Romanian President asked if Ukraine would like to "merge" with Romania. The Ukraine President refused the offer but Romania invaded anyway. It was another simple war with Romania taking the whole of Ukraine. Relations between Romania and Turkey were strained by this war.

Back to domestic issues now. Something shocking happened at The Unity Party. Just as the Uk was preparing for Local Elections. Paul Hudson resigned as Leader of the party leaving Final Destiny The Unity Party Deputy Leader and candidate for London Mayor in charge. The reason was that Paul had no time to lead the party and run for Prime Minister. So Final Destiny was left with the task of organising Local Elections for his party. The first decision was a Coalition with the Peoples Communist Party. In return for TUP support in London for Piperbunny and the right to implement Final Destiny's London Council plans. The PCP would support a Jasperking in Cardiff. This backfired when Shadow announced UKRP would not be running anyone in London handing London to PCP on a plate.

The Results for Local Elections were as follows:

London: Piperbunny (PCP)
Antwerp: LosSimos (BDP)
Belfast: Sohir (PCP)
Birmingham: Tino Zanicchi (TRP)
Bristol: Twat-ers (PCP)
Brussels: YZZ (BDP)
Cardiff: Meadow (UKRP)
Edinburgh: lightwave (UKRP)
Leeds: Alain Bates (TUP)
Liverpool: benskius (UKRP)
Namur: Sucko (CUP)
Newcastle: frufru (PCP)
Norwich: mr. brodie (TUP)
Nottingham: Relic (TUP)
Oxford: Lourinho (UKRP)

UKRP: 4 Mayors (-1)
PCP: 4 Mayors (+3)
TUP: 3 Mayors (-1)
BDP: 2 Mayors (+1)
CUP: 1 Mayor (+1)
TRP: 1 Mayor (-1)
BU: 0 Mayor (-1)
iBEL: 0 Mayor (-1)

Losing a Mayor not exactly a stunning start to my life as Party President. Sure hope I make it up to my party in the general elections or my arse is toast. Anyway the rise of PCP is apparent here as Twat-ers becomes Regional Council President. The first Communist to do so after filling in so well for the AWOL Ste93 last term. (Hai Ste)

The last War of the term was Germany-Poland. Which saw the UK very briefly involved. As Shadow once again failed to inform the Commons that he was deploying the Paras. This resulted in the MPs stopping the deployment. Damaging Shadows position as Prime Minister. This war would rage into the next month. So I'll tell you the conclusion of it in that months article.

That's it for this month. Want to know what happens next? Tune in next month for Shadow's date with Destiny. Last time I buy him a steak dinner I'll tell you that much.

-Final Destiny: Your friendly eUK History dork.