[eRoC][派包] Aspect about Alfred ball and Fruitcommando

Day 1,943, 06:41 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aragaki Ayase

First, the Lucky Draw Result

另外 應該有不少人得知從前就eRoC以及eJapan戰爭中有相當關係的Alfred ball, 以及 Fruitcommando 已重回日本.
但以上兩人非以正當途經回歸, 相信亦不會獲得國內政府職權, 希望台灣方面不須擔心相關人士再次引發新一輪台日戰爭。

Also, some of the people may already known that Alfred ball and Fruitcommando have already returned to eJapan, as they had involved in the cause of the previous war between eRoC and eJapan, some of the eRoC people may worry about them.
As they are NOT immigrated to eJapan in a legal way, they will NOT have any right and power in the eJapan Government. So, don't need to worry about it.

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駐台日本大使 - 新垣 あやせ
Ambassador of eJapan to eRoC - Aragaki Ayase