[EN] Timeline of current East-Asian events

Day 1,724, 01:16 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Akaya754

Apparently all explanation of the current events happening in Eastern Asia are either from eJP or from pro-eJP members, mocking us using the same distorted facts and skipping details to their advantage. Well here's our side of the story.

The following time line will be updated as events unfold, but it must be mentioned that this is based on the Traditional Chinese paper here and whatever's renewed there will be renewed here.

😃ay 1674=

Upon the liberation of eSK territory and successful formation of government, the eROC,eSK, eC and eJP government negotiated for a peace treaty that was summarized here.

😃ay 1718=

In a practice NE battle on eROC territory, eSK went on a surprise attack, chasing the score from 82:50 to 82:83, taking over eROC land. The eROC considers this as a violation to agreements stated in the above peace treaty.

Related articles, in Traditional Chinese

😃ay 1719=

Despite inquires from the Taiwanese CP newhope0722, eSK did not answer. After 24 hours, newhope0722 officially called the eROC people to arms and declared war on eSK.

Related article
Call to arms to crusade against SK

😃ay 1720=

Presidential elections. eROC president remained newhope0722, while KOR_Sohn and Nowe became presidents for eSK and eJP accordingly.

Resistance from eSK remains weak, while eROC prepares for an expected large-scale conflict.

😃ay 1721=

MPP between eUS and eSK

Meanwhile led by MoFA head Alfred Ball, eJP announced its assistance towards eSK and vowed to declare war on eROC upon taking the violation of peace treaty by the eSK side as an act of threat by eROC. The action was seconded by publication by congress member Fruitcommando.

For the first time in history, eROC faces the possibility of a dual-front with both eSK and eJP. Many articles were published in reaction to the situational, including a speech from the CP.

Related articles (contains Traditional Chinese)
[申報] 太平洋戰爭
[社論] 東亞大戰迫在眉睫
天使喵的 [總統府]今日兩三事

😃ay 1722=

4 days after the start of conflict, KOR_Sohn finally clarifies its position, claiming that the surprise attack on Day 1718 was from foreign origin, did not intend to break the peace treaty, and returned the land the land the very next day after conquering the territory. KOR_Sohn also denies any ties with eJP and ordered a cease on all resistance against eROC to show good faith.

Earlier that day eSK published an article criticizing their own government:
台灣, 攻擊停止 ! 要我們和平!(English translation on bottom)

As tension calm between eSK and eROC, eJP continues to denounce eROC, publishing articles claiming eROC to be liars (The proof within the article was a message from eSK to the eROC president on day 1720. However this claim does not establish itself since the message was sent two days after the conflict began). That night, Alfred ball visited the eROC foreign affairs channel on IRC and debated with eROC MoFA members, where he left the quote "It's a mission from god. God is with us."

Related article:
[Peace] Alfred Ball Lied!? No Way!

Meanwhile the eJP government went through great turbulence on day 1722. First NE towards eROC was passed without congress debates, followed by a failed impeachment of the eJP president, causing major chaos within the eJP government. The eJP president expressed his regret towards the impeachment, while vowing his support towards war with eROC.


After the annihilation of eSK from the world map, as eSK honored their side of the agreement, eROC announced that eROC-eSK boarder return to before the conflict.

Related article:
天使喵的 [總統府]今日兩三事(2)(Contains Traditional Chinese)

As the conflict between eSK and eROC resolves, eROC began concentrating towards eJP, preparing for a punishment war.

Related article:
[代發][小人誤日記] 喝著冰結打日本(Contains Traditional Chinese)

Although eJP passed NE skipping congress debate upon the reason that saving eSK is urgent matter, eJP did not start war until after eSK was eliminated. However upon starting the war, intensity was high as both sides mounted damage by millions across the three higher divisions (2.3 million lands you 5th place in D2)

😃ay 1724=

Early in the day Fruitcommando, one of the pro-war members of eJP, visited the MoFA channel of eROC and announced their terms to a ceasefire: 300G and Taiwan leaving Korea

Later that day, eROC successfully deflected eJP invasion, gaining initiative.

After the end of the Jeju battle, the eJP CP published an announcement (Deleted), claiming that the Jeju battle was lost due to lack of communication with allies, the badly-timed use of bazookas and boosters, and a temporary lack of participation due to a meeting at CoT. Also the CP claimed that eROC was pouring their wallets into the battle and it would not last. Finally the CP denounced Alfred-Ball and Fruitcommando for "Trolling on the national channel #Nippon".

Then in a twist of events pro-war factions Alfred-Ball and Fruitcommando immigrated to eUSA. In reaction, eJP CP Nowe started acting weird on IRC channel #Nippon, and later started arguing with Alfred-Ball and Fruitcommando on #eROC-MoFA channel. Alfred-Ball and Fruitcommando claimed that Nowe was the biggest backer of the NE proposal, while Nowe claimed that he appointed idiots and was fooled by their promises.

As chaos within the eJP government rise, various newspapers in eJP began to criticize the government and called for government reform:
We Stand United With the eSK
My Leaving Note
Treason and Tyranny: The Mad King
Cabinet Resignation
Time of Trolls to End?
eJapan Change of Government

As for eROC, after the successful defense of Jeju, the CP, weary of US intervention, decided to hold the attack until most users wake up. However, this delay added by his silence stirred trepidation in eROC community, as rumors and president denouncement fly across newspapers.

Seeing this on IRC as the case, the CP opened the Kyushu battlefield before midnight, and published his gratitude and apology towards the people. By midnight, eROC gains great lead against eJP.

Related articles:
[President of eRoC] Three things about the RW against the eJP invasion.
The following contains Traditional Chinese:
代發 [MOB團公告]-致偉大的eROC總統
天使喵的 [總統府] 致歉與感謝-關於SK還地與JP戰爭的事情

😃ay 1725😞Day last edited)

eJP government continues to fall apart.

eUS declares NE on eIndonesia, causing the currently pro-ONE eJP to lose it's MPP eUS due to their other MPP with eIndonesia. On the other hand, as Alfred-Ball settles in eUS, he voices his support on improving eROC-eUS relations less than 72 hours after he openly denounced eROC. In the same time, Fruitcommando shows up in Kyushu battlefield fighting for eROC, causing a wave of facepalms across the eROC MoFA:

The eJP CP finally has his last straw pulled, and vows to leave government after a full barrage on his cabinet. He mentions that the eJP government was rotten from the inside, empty promises were everywhere, the ongoing clan wars, and tossing responsibilities around. He can no longer stand such government ans decides to leave for good, deleting the whole eJP forum as he did.

Related articles:
PSA: State of Emergency

Special thanks to myexp for pointing out the error in the date of the peace treaty